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Recap / Vikings S 01 E 01 Rites Of Passage

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In the 8th century, the farmer and warrior Ragnar Lothbrok dreams about exploring the west. After the initiation procedure for his son at the Thing, he presents his idea and gets promptly rejected, but doesn't let himself be stopped by that.


  • Blatant Lies: Bjorn asks why Floki didn't attend the Thing. Ragnar replies Floki is shy...cue Floki appearing out of the trees screaming his head off.
  • Establishing Character Moment:
    • The opening scene is of Ragnar and Rollo viciously fighting in a battle. When Ragnar is unarmed, he shouts for his brother to help him, showing their strong bond. Ragnar is also the only one to see Odin on the battlefield, showing his spiritual side.
    • Floki's opening scene definitively shows him as a Cloud Cuckoolander in touch with the gods.
  • Face Death with Dignity: The man condemned to death wishes to die well so that he will reach Valhalla.
  • Family Eye Resemblance: Floki tells Bjorn that he has his father's eyes.
  • Fantasy-Forbidding Father: Earl Haraldson is in charge of all the Norsemen under his rule and forbids Ragnar from sailing west, stating they shall go east as they always have. Ragnar, of course, disobeys him.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Many for things that happen later on in the seasons, but the most blatant example is Floki telling Bjorn he has Ragnar's eyes and will surpass him in life. He does end up doing so much later on.
    • This episode also sets up the idea that Bjorn might be Rollo's son, which won't have a payoff until Season Five.
  • Off with His Head!: The man who gets condemned to death at the Thing decides to die by beheading.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Zig-zagged with Earl Haraldson. While he does make fair decisions at the Thing, he's also not above killing a man accused of murder so that he will be able to get his land.
