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Recap / Unreal I Dark Arena

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Right out of the Nali Ceremonial Chambers prisoner 849 arrives into the open right in front of an ominious medieval looking fortress. In there is an arena where they must defeat humongous beast guarding the passage to the village of Harobed.

Dark Arena challenges you to battle examples of:

  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: In the arena you'll encounter a Titan for the first time.
  • Convection, Schmonvection: The dungeon is build directly above a small magma pit. Prisoner 849 won't feel even the slightest discomfort unless they actually touch the molten lava. It's actually only possible to do so in the cage room anyway.
  • Damage-Sponge Boss: All you need to do is lay pain into the beast while avoiding its attacksnote  until it collapses. It takes more than entire Eightball ammo pool.
  • Door to Before: The door from the enterance hall leading to the dungeon below is locked from the inside.
  • Hellhole Prison: The one below the arena certainly is one. The unfortunate fellows who end up in there are either up for extensive torment or thrown into the arena as a prey for the Titanic beast.
  • Locked in the Dungeon: Not prisoner 849 but several hapless Nali as well as some stranded humans from Vortex Rikers are found dead locked away under the Dark Arena.
  • Mercy Kill: The only way to liberate the crucified Nali outside from their suffering is to blast it.
  • Point of No Return: After Prisoner 849 enters the arena, the doors to the rest of the level (sans the exit) close, and not even the death of the Titan can reopen them.
  • Tunnel King: One of the imprisoned Nali certainly qualifies as he dug out of his cell through several meters of solid ground. And unvittingly provided a way for you to explore the dungeon. Having four arms may arguably made the job easier for the chap.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: It's up to you whether you dump the poor caged Nali into the lava pit or not.
