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Recap / Time Squad S 01 Ep 17 Larry Upgrade

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On the satellite, Tuddrussel reads a magazine while waiting for Otto to finish a puzzle so they can finally play video games. Larry comes in with a fancy meal for Tuddrussel, who becomes frustrated because he had only asked for a burger. The two start to argue, but not before sending Otto to play outside while they have an "adult conversation." Of course, Otto jumps at this, hoping that Larry meant literally outside- in outer space. Larry shoos him away, absentmindedly telling him yes.

Larry goes off on Tuddrussel, telling him that all he wants is to be appreciated for his hard work. But Tuddrussel argues that Larry is a robot and shouldn't want anything but to serve his master. In the middle of this Larry's personal alarm goes off, reminding him to get an upgrade, so he leaves for the control room.

Using his manual for the Larry 3000, Larry hooks himself up to the computer and scrolls through his available upgrades and downgrades. He distracts himself while thinking about requesting a transfer and accidentally selects a downgrade.

Otto returns from his time outside and shows Tuddrussel a moon rock that he found, but the man doesn't seem to notice because he's still fuming over the argument he had with Larry. Larry enters, but his eyes are green instead of blue. He greets Tuddrussel in an even more mechanical voice than usual, asking what he can do for him. Tuddrussel, not really believing that he's being sincere, orders him to fetch his slippers. Otto becomes suspicious when Larry does fetch Tuddrussel's slippers and asks to see Larry's arm. He panics when he sees that Larry was downgraded. He says that they have to fix him, but Tuddrussel refuses, saying that this is how Larry should be.

Tuddrussel then spends his time relaxing, with Larry pampering him and cooking him burgers. Eventually, however, Tuddrussel grows sick of burgers. He asks for something else, but Larry is only capable of making burgers now. This makes Tuddrussel snap, and he decides to change Larry back to normal and asks for Otto's help.

Later, Otto comes to the control room with Larry's manual, saying he knows how to fix Larry. He is shocked to find that Tuddrussel has dismantled Larry in an attempt to fix him. Otto takes Larry's head and plugs it into the computer, selecting an upgrade. Larry's eyes turn back to light blue, and he calls Tuddrussel a nitwit in his normal voice. Tuddrussel and Otto cheer and hug parts of his dismantled body. Tuddrussel tells Larry he is starving, delighted to hear that Larry exclaims that he has a fancy new recipe to try. He and Otto then leave to play video games while they wait for their meal, forgetting to put Larry back together.

Tropes present in this episode include:

  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Tuddrussel wants Larry to do his job as a Robot Buddy and follow commands, but eventually he gets sick of that.
  • Bottle Episode: This is the first episode in the series that takes place solely on the satellite and they don't have to time-travel.
  • Brainwashed: Larry was essentially reprogrammed, forgetting all his emotions, thoughts, and feelings.
  • Can't Live with Them, Can't Live Without Them: Tuddrussel at first appreciates how Larry's downgrade means more burgers and less sass, but eventually gets sick of Larry's blind obedience (and of eating nothing but hamburgers) and becomes overjoyed when they manage to bring him back to normal.
  • Eye Color Change: Larry's eyes change from blue to green after accidentally deprogramming himself.
  • Funny Background Event: When Tuddrussel and Larry are arguing, you can see the huge window behind them where Otto is outside, wearing an astronaut suit and clearly having the time of his life floating in space.
  • Out-of-Character Alert: Otto is unnerved by Larry's obedient behaviors, but Tuddrussel shrugs him off.
  • Robot Maid: Tuddrussel gets his wish in wanting Larry to be nothing more than his servant. He regrets it later though.
  • Robo Speak: When Larry downgrades, his human-like mannerisms and speech shuts off and can only use stock phrases like "Affirmative" and the one that Tuddrussel drilled into his head, "Burger".
  • Robotic Spouse: This episode is the first to really give the audience the impression that Larry is more or less a fill in for Tuddrussel's spouse. Tuddrussel even refers to Larry as his "Ol' Ball And Chain".
  • Single-Task Robot: Thanks to Tuddrussel, Larry can only do one thing while he's downgraded: cook burgers.
  • Skip of Innocence: Otto literally skips with glee as he goes off to play outside... of the space station.
