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Recap / The Nostalgia Critic S 3 E 5

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Release: January 26, 2010

Film: End of Days (1999)

This review contains examples of:

  • Cat Scare: The Critic hams up (and technically trope-names) the appearance of one of these in the film. He then goes on to continuously cut to this scene in moments he doesn't finds scary enough.
  • Cool Versus Awesome: The Critic admits in the introduction that the idea of Arnold Schwarzenegger (who has been portrayed as an unstoppable badass in the films the Critic had reviewed so far) taking on The Devil is cool.
  • Heartbreak and Ice Cream: During the scene establishing Jericho's depression, the Critic asks if depressed cops ever just eat ice cream.
  • Running Gag: "CAAAAAAAATTTT!!!!"
  • Writers Cannot Do Math: During a bit parodying prophecies, The Critic says "9+9+9=21". It actually equals 27. This was later addressed in the "Next Nostalgia Critic Fuck-Ups" video.
