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Recap / The New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh S 2 E3a Bubble Trouble

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Tigger makes an "unbustable" bubble, only for Pooh to get stuck in it, and he and Piglet try to find ways to get Pooh out of it. Meanwhile, Gopher loses his front door in a wind and combs the forest looking for it.


  • Beyond the Impossible: Tigger's long-lasting bubbles don't pop, yet one manages to trap Pooh inside it.
  • Bubble Boy: Or rather, bubble bear.
  • Floating in a Bubble: Pooh gets trapped in Tigger's bubble. He's too heavy to do much floating, though.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Tigger succeeds in creating a bubble that won't pop; unfortunately, Pooh gets trapped in it and can't get out.
  • Hostile Weather: Even more so than "Blustery Day", as seen when a tree starts losing its bark. It's so strong that it blows Gopher's front door off the ground.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: After spending the whole episode trying to get the cast to focus on ridiculous lima beans rather than care about Pooh, Rabbit gets his comeuppance as Gopher traps him in his hole.
  • Literal Metaphor: When Pooh said he had a hole in his pocket, he meant Gopher's.
  • Made of Indestructium: Tigger's bubble, and its occupant, survive a fall off a cliff.
  • Portable Hole: Gopher's front door becomes one. It helps Pooh get out of the bubble.
  • Skewed Priorities: Rabbit was more focused on his lima bean lecture than anything else, to the point that rather than help Pooh, he used him to try and make his apples grow bigger.
