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Recap / The Goldbergs S 10 E 15 The Crush

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A Plot: Beverly has a crush on Joe Perrot, the school's guidance councilor that was attracted to her in Amadoofus. Unfortunately, he's now interested in another woman.

B Plot: Barry buys an apartment from John Calabasas, and while Adam's glad to have his own room now, he suggests that Joanne might not be happy that Barry made that decision without consulting her first. Unable to cancel the lease, Barry instead concocts an overly complicated scheme to convince Joanne he did the right thing: tell her he's ready for a deeper relationship and convince her that they should move into an apartment together.

  • The Alleged House: The selling points of John's apartment include "a window" and "a door", and he highly recommends that Barry gets a very large cat without outright stating that it has a pest problem. When Barry and Joanne visit it, the main room is dingy and the lights are constantly flickering, and Joanne notes that it's actually illegal for them to live there due to lead paint and inadequate ventilation.
  • Anguished Declaration of Love: When Mr. Perrot confronts Beverly at the school dance over bringing extra chaperones (herself and Nick Mellor) and then doing a poor job at actually chaperoning, Beverly tries to quietly admit it's an Operation: Jealousy, but Perrot being unable to hear her over the dance's music leads to her screaming that she likes him before running out of the school gym in embarrassment.
  • Liar Revealed: Barry's lie to Joanne is found out when Calabasas pressures him about paying rent with her nearby, and Joanne's more upset that telling the truth was Barry's fourth plan (after buying a place to live by himself without thinking about her, trying to get a refund, and then lying about wanting to live with her) than the fact that he made the purchase without telling her.
  • Major Injury Underreaction: Barry decides to apologize to Joanne for lying by stapling a sign labelling himself as an idiot to the post he had originally seen the apartment advertisement on, and cuts an artery in the process. While Barry is then telling Joanne how sorry he is, Joanne is more concerned that blood is gushing out of Barry's hand and he's in desperate need of a torniquet, accepting Barry's apology mainly so he won't pass out while giving it.
  • No, Except Yes: When Erica asks if Beverly has a crush on Mr. Perrot, Beverly initially denies it, and states she just provides him with plenty of gifts and her heart flutters in his presence.
  • Operation: Jealousy: Geoff's advice to Beverly is to engage in this, given that his past relationship with Evie Silver helped Erica realize her true feelings for him. Beverly decides it's a good plan and takes Coach Nick Mellor to chaperone the dance with her, but Mellor's not in on the plan and thus more focused on his own fitness than on making her look good to Perrot.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: When Adam learns that Barry bought an apartment without consulting Joanne first, he immediately and repeatedly suggests that Barry tell the truth to her. Barry, not wanting to deal with even a mere fifteen-minute argument with Joanne, instead decides to start a convoluted scheme wherein he tries to convince her to buy the apartment he already bought.
  • Swapped Roles: When Beverly is dealing with heartbreak due to Unrequited Love Switcheroo, she asks like a teenager and seeks Erica and Geoff for parent-like guidance. In The Tag, Erica is in a bathrobe and acts upset when Beverly arrives home from her date past curfew, but decides in the end to just ask for juicy gossip.
  • Unrequited Love Switcheroo: A few episodes ago, Mr. Perrot crushed on Beverly and was turned down because Beverly wasn't ready to date yet. Now Beverly is crushing on Mr. Perrot, who has moved on and asks Andrea to help chaperone the school dance with him. In the end, after Beverly's Anguished Declaration of Love, Perrot admits he's still interested in her, and they decide to date.
