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Recap / The Eleventh Hour Chapter Four

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"Wow, this arc is going to wreck the boys’ K/D ratio. Let’s hope they can break the cycle and escape from... The Adventure Zone!"
The Announcer

See here for the main recap page.

Our heroes explore an extremely deadly derelict mine in an attempt to find out what's happening to Refuge every time the clock strikes noon. They do so with the usual amount of caution and grace, which is to say things go very, very, very poorly, very, very, very often. Merle makes some furry friends. Magnus finds a trap the hard way. Taako flies to Heaven.


  • Conspicuously Light Patch: Magnus investigates a bush only because Travis thought it was odd that Griffin mentioned it in his description of the surroundings. Griffin refers to it as Chekhov's Bush, which he instantly regrets.
  • Save Scumming: When faced with solving a series of deadly puzzles, the team dies often and uses their wrong guesses as process of elimination.
  • Total Party Kill: Griffin presents a room full of lockers in a mine, most of which are wired with bombs. When the heroes open the wrong one, their deaths are abrupt and unceremonious. It feels like Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies, but due to the "Groundhog Day" Loop they're in, players and DM are not particularly upset. They just fast-forward the loop to the same spot and try again. In fact, Griffin points out that they're approaching the puzzle in more or less the correct way, and he's impressed when they solve it with only two deaths.
