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Recap / Star vs. the Forces of Evil S4 E29 "Sad Teen Hotline"

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Tom breaks up with Star but is not prepared for the consequences.


  • Brick Joke:
    • The helicopter that Star freezes stays up there for the entire rest of the episode, appearing only occasionally before crashing down in the very last shot.
    • Rafael calls the Sad Teen Hotline early in the episode, and is still on the line as the episode shifts to Tom and Star exclusively. At the end of the episode, he's still on the line, until the operator hangs up on him because he's not a teen.
  • Call-Back: The title is a reference to the "Sad Teen Hotline" that was mentioned by Rafael Diaz all the way back at the start of season 3.
  • False Cause: Tom and Star are unable to make any portals to Mewni after breaking up, and assume their emotional conflict caused a Psychosomatic Superpower Outage. When Marco's scissors also fail to work, Star believes that they infected him with their sadness, and it's only when she's unable to contact anyone on Mewni that they realize it's something else entirely.
  • Full-Name Ultimatum: In a heated moment during their breakup argument, Star calls Tom by his full name, which is revealed to be Thomas Draconius Lucitor.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: Part of the conflict is that the heroes can't reach anyone on Mewni or even open a portal to there, and they have no idea why.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Star realizes something is wrong in Mewni when she tries to call her mother in the middle of the night and there is no answer. Tom and Marco think she's just asleep, but Star says she also got no answer from Pony Head, who is usually up until 4:00 AM.
  • Plot-Based Voice Cancellation: Tom's first attempts to tell Star he's breaking up with her are drowned out by a police helicopter passing by, until Star freezes it in midair.
  • Relationship Revolving Door: Angie mentions that she and Rafael broke up and got back together a hundred times before finally getting married.
  • Trailers Always Spoil: The episode's description didn't try to hide that Star and Tom will break up.
  • Trivial Title: The "Sad Teen Hotline" is something Rafael calls to try to counsel Star and Tom, but he ends up the only one listening to it.
