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Recap / Power Rangers Beast Morphers Episode 17 Ranger Reveal

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The arrival of a celebrity jeopodizes the secret identities of the Rangers with Zoey desperately taking action to protect them.

Episode Tropes:

  • Bad Boss: Played straight with Evox. While Blaze and Roxy are pissed that Vargoyle stole their idea for the Memory Pulsator, Evox doesn't care since the latter was smart enough to steal it in the first place.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Despite the Rangers defeating Shockatron and Shockadrone, Vargoyle still managed to succeed by placing the Memory Pulsator onto the location, giving Evox another step in his plan.
  • Continuity Nod: Steel's inability to eat (mentioned before in "Real Steel") is brought up again.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: With the copied Beast Powers, Vargoyle bests all five of the Rangers with ease. The only reason he doesn't finish them is because he ran out of Morph-X.
  • Leave the Camera Running: During the opening fight, a cameraman drops a camera onto the ground in panic, but it's still recording. Long enough for it to record the Rangers morphing. While it does get damaged from a stray blast, the memory card was still intact enough for the cameraman to pull the data out.
  • We Need a Distraction: Vargoyle sends Shockatron and Shockadrone out to distract the Rangers while he plants the Memory Pulsator. It works as the Rangers have no idea about it in the first place, not helping that they have their own concerns to worry about.
