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Recap / Law & Order S14E18 "Evil Breeds"

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Directed by Constantine Makris

Written by Noah Baylin & Barry Schindel

The detectives investigate the brutal death of an elderly Jewish woman. She had recently participated in a Holocaust testimonial project, telling the story of her experience in a concentration camp. The prime suspect turns out to be Stefan Anders, a German she identified as a camp guard and murderer and faced the threat of deportation and prosecution as a result. When her missing necklace is discovered in his home, he is arrested.

McCoy and company are surprised that Anders has a high-powered attorney defending him, and discover that this is the work of the head of a record label, Kyle Mellors — his label produces "hate rock", pro-white supremacist music. Soon they learn that Mellors not only is supporting Anders, but was with him when he confronted the woman...In the end, it is the victim's video testimony for the Holocaust project that undoes the accused's case.

This episode contains examples of:

  • All Germans Are Nazis: Anders's son accuses the detectives of thinking this way: "Not every German was a Nazi!" Lennie replies "Yeah, they were Just Following Orders."
  • Double-Meaning Title: "Breeds" of people can be evil (i.e. Nazis), and evil can breed further evil (the white supremacists who support him).
  • Fanon Discontinuity: Played with in-universe, in that the real life variety, historical revisionism, is brought up as the defense lawyer intends to have Holocaust denialists testify on Anders's behalf. The judge agrees with McCoy that this is not acceptable. invoked
  • Just Following Orders: As is the case with several real Nazis, Anders made this claim.
  • Justice by Other Legal Means: Anders was never punished for his atrocities, the worst the feds could do was try to deport him, and there was no guarantee they accomplish this in his lifetime. He will now spend the remainder of his life in prison for murder, even though the evidence of his involvement was ambiguous.
    Jack: The jury knew a guilty man when they saw one.
  • The Moral Substitute: This episode explores a Real Life example of what's better described as an Immoral Substitute.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Anders got away with everything he did in the concentration camp, and he was confident the immigration process would take longer than the rest of his life. By killing Leah Glazer, Mellors sent his idol to prison for the rest of his life.
  • Retired Monster: Stefan Anders.
