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Recap / KikoRiki Ep 1 "The Bench"

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Krash has built himself a bench and painted it pink. He still got some paint left and asks Chiko if he needs something pinkified. Chiko refuses and claims that Wally might have a use for it.

Chiko's proven correct when Wally uses it to paint over the paper with his badly written poems. Then inspiration suddenly comes to him, but since he doesn't have any more pages of the notebook, he writes with paint on the grass and eventually climbs high up a tree growing next to his house.

When he finally comes to his senses, Wally gets stuck on the tree and can't get down, since he is afraid of heights. Krash and Chiko decide to help him and create a huge tower and get their friend down. Just as they get to a poet, a tower collapses, and all three fall to the ground.

Krash's new bench was used as part of that tower and became broken by the fall. Krash is a little upset at first, but tells Wally (who considers himself guilty for this) that he can build as many benches as he wants, but they have only one Wally.


  • Achievements in Ignorance: Wally got so invested in his new poem, he didn't notice how he climbed up the tree. Without using his arms and not noticing anything wrong until he finishes writing.
    Krash and Chiko: Why would you climb a tree?
    Wally: No idea, it just happened!
  • Brick Joke: In the middle of the episode Wally makes an Imagine Spot, where hippopotamus becomes light and starts flying, being compared to a cloud. At the end of the episode, Chiko, trying not to cry of happiness, looks at the sky and sees that the clouds look like hippos from an imagine spot flying slowly over their valley.
  • Establishing Character Moment: This is the first time we see Wally getting a poem written.
  • Imagine Spot: When Wally explains his friends what poet mojo feels like, viewer is presented to an imagine spot of a hippopotamus that suddenly becomes light as a feather and flies. It's then interrupted by a confused Krash wondering how hippo and poet mojo are related to each other.
  • Metaphorgotten: Wally thinks of poet mojo as similar to something unmovable, like a hippopotamus, being lifted into the air by balloons. Krash gets confused and wonders how the concepts are supposed to be related.
  • Oh, Crap!: Wally gives one after he finishes his poem and realizes he somehow climbed up a tree.
