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Recap / KikoRiki Ep 2 "A Prince for Rosa"

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Other dub names: Pinky's search for a Prince (Studio 100)

Rosa finishes reading a book about a knight who saves the princess from a dragon and imagines herself a princess. She decides to inspire someone and decides to visit Krash and Chiko first. The two are busy launching a rocket and do not pay attention to her. Rosa takes offense and goes to Wally, but he has a creative crisis again and he only offers to try his heart drops. Then Rosa goes to Carlin, but he is not at home. She sits on the porch and starts crying. This is when Carlin returns home, comforts her and tells her a story about how he was shipwrecked and met a prince on the shore of an island.

Rosa realizes that she needs to find a prince on the seashore and runs off in hopes th. But the prince is nowhere to be seen... Until a three-meter scarecrow in a coat and huge sneakers shows up, claiming to be a prince and asks to go on a quest in the name of Rosa. Rosa is frightened by him and runs away. The prince runs after her, but stumbles over a stone. The scarecrow falls apart, and it turns out that the "prince" was Krash, Chiko, Carlin and Wally in disguise, trying to make Rosa happy.


  • Pumpkin Person: The prince's head is made of a pumpkin with slitted eyes.
