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Recap / Doug Doug I Speedrun Peggle But Twitch Chat Shoots Half My Shots

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Original Stream Date: February 21, 2022

Video Date: June 3, 2022

In this video, DougDoug and Twitch Chat together are speedrunning Peggle Nights, each taking 2 turns to fire and then tagging in their partner. With Doug's prior experience with Peggle, Chat's clutch factor, and the help of the Peggle Champions, surely it'll be smooth?

mama squid look at me, i have electrified tropes

  • Achievements in Ignorance: Chat cannot do trick shots — between the jittery cursor movement, the inconsistent launch chance, and the stream delay, it's just not possible. Or at least it shouldn't be, as Chat somehow manages to nail a few insane clutches that would be hella difficult for a master human player to do on purpose, by doing nothing more than their normal gestalt flailing.
  • Brick Joke: Doug puts the joke of sports teams constantly passing him around on hold until the end of the speedrun. A TTS message quickly reminds him of it once the challenge is completed.
    Bad_Walrus: Hurry and buy the hats. you're running late for your first shift at applebees
  • Call-Back: The animosity between Chat and Claude the Lobster that festered during their early time playing Peggle is referenced when they meet again.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: While Chat's fondness of Magic Hat and dislike of Master Hu ('Aimbot-Owl') are both irrational, they're not wrong about one flaw of the latter once it screws up a shot.
    LunaLovecraft: Hat wouldn't have repositioned us into a worse aim
  • Fan of Underdog: Played With - After hearing about how Warren Rabbit (or 'Magic Hat') is in Doug's eyes the worst powerup in the game, Chat then starts getting excited about the magic hat as a result, much to Doug's chagrin. To their credit, they one-shot a level with Magic Hat and then went on to beat the final level with it, meaning Doug had to fulfill his end of a bargain that he would buy 2 top-hats.
  • Metaphorgotten: Doug initially compares the way he and Chat play Peggle (as in Chat sets up Doug for the finishing shot, either done well or done poorly) to one basketball player (Chat) alley-ooping another (Doug) to score. When this playstyle goes poorly, Doug compares it to getting a pass all the way from the locker room. Then Chat starts getting lost in the analogy and then as a Running Gag, tries to fire Doug from their team and get him traded from sports to sports team.
  • Running Gag:
    • Doug being passed from sports team to sports team, culminating in him being disgracefully fired from Applebees.
    • Chat popping off for 'Magic Hat' (the rabbit), despite Doug claiming him to have the worst powerup in the game, and nagging him to buy a real-life magic hat once he lost a bet that Chat would one-shot a level. Conversely, the 'Aim-bot Owl' was pretty much booed despite being declared the best powerup by Doug.
    • 'Sexy Mommy Squid', where the squid Peggle Master was the Ms. Fanservice for Chat.
  • Took a Level in Badass: This speedrun of Peggle showcases how Chat's improved in the time they've been playing video games.
