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Recap / Captain Flamingo S 1 E 21 Just Looking Outrageous Fortune Cookie

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Just Looking!

Milo, while entertaining Thor, manages to get a puppet stuck on his hand. Now Captain Flamingo, puppet and all, must come to the aid of Sanjay, who needs help with a game of hide and seek in order to find his sisters.

Tropes in this episode:

  • Didn't Think This Through:
    • To find Sanjay's sisters, Milo uses his instant weather maker to make rain so that all of the kids will come out of the forest and leave their hiding places. Unfortunately, after the machine got exposed with water from the rain that he was making, it explodes, causing the sun to come back up and the kids returning to the forest to return to their hiding places for hide and seek.
    • Milo then uses his heat detector to detect where exactly are Sanjay's sisters. However, the machine detects that somebody other then them is following him and Sanjay, which turns out to be a T-rex, causing them to get chased from it. However, it was revealed that the detector detects that Sanjay was following him and not a T-rex that Milo was thinking of, meaning that is shown that detector works perfectly. Unfortunately, he accidentally drops it from his puppet hand, causing it to also explode.
    • Milo then uses his public address system to trick the kids by announcing that a T-rex is on the loose. Although it didn't work originally as no one got out of their hiding places, once he starts roaring like a dinosaur, they got out of their hiding places, leading to Sanjay's sisters being found. However, after they got scared and ran away, it pushes Sanjay's sisters out, causing them to hide again.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Milo uses his "Bird Brain" by deciding to find where Sanjay's sisters are as the game is called "hide and seek". However, while trying to look for them, he accidentally trips on a tree branch, causing him to fall over a hill and lands on the grass. Eventually, a couple of people from the carnival then finds him, and puts him a cage so that people can come over to the carnival to see a "dinosaur-handed bird-boy", which does interests the kids, leading to them leaving their hiding places to see him, which led to Sanjay's sisters to finally be found.
  • Hand Puppet: Milo entertains Thor by playing with his dinosaur puppets. Unfortunately, once he takes off the puppets, he was having trouble taking off the puppet on his right hand, causing it to get stuck.
  • No Waterproofing in the Future: Milo's instant weather maker explodes after getting exposed with water from the rain that he was making from the machine.
  • The Scapegoat: Sanjay takes the blame for everything that his troublemaking sisters does as whenever his mom caught them for doing something that they weren't supposed to do (such as getting mud all around the house or breaking the window after hitting the baseball too hard), they always blame their actions to Sanjay.
  • Weather-Control Machine: One of Milo's failed solutions to get everyone to leave their hiding places in order to find Sanjay's sisters was him using a weather maker to make rain, but after it got exposed with water from the rain, it explodes, as the item isn't waterproof.

Outrageous Fortune Cookie

Milo's attempts to decipher the cryptic message in his fortune cookie are interrupted by a call from Rutger, whose dad has taken over his favorite karate video game.

Tropes in this episode:

  • Chekhov's Gun: After eating his Chinese take-out for lunch, Milo opens his fortune cookie and tries to decipher the cryptic message on his cookie, but gets interrupted by Rutger as he calls for the Captain to help make his dad stop playing his karate video game all day so he can play football with him. Eventually, he uses his fortune cookie to challenge Rutger's dad on a game of Rock–Paper–Scissors in order for him to quit playing his video game and play football with his son instead if he loses. Turns he does lose as he chooses rock and Milo chooses paper since paper covers rock, as his fortune cookie says that paper is harder than rock.
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: In a flashback, Milo's dad tells his son to try out his cereal that he grilled from his barbeque, which then chars up and disintegrates once after he puts it in Milo's bowl. Disgusting, isn't it?
  • Didn't Think This Through:
    • As most dads are obsessed with making barbeque, Milo decided to use his meat-scented air freshener in order to distract Rutger's dad from playing his karate video games as he can't resist the barbeque smell. However, most of the spray went into the intake fan of the air conditioner as he sprayed next to it, which caught the attention of multiple dads after smelling the meat scent, leading a swarm of dads to follow the scent to Rutger's backyard to start making barbeque. However, it didn't affect Rutger's dad as he's actually a type 2 dad rather than a type 1 like the others, so he decided to spray his air freshner that smells burnt to make the dads leave and take their barbeques out.
    • Milo then uses his insta-plumber system to trick Rutger's dad by estimating the plumbing damage at 8 gazillion bucks as he couldn't resist a plumbing emergency. He then replies to him to send him the bill despite the money being fake, causing this plan to backfire. However, he accidentally throws out his wrench to the sink, which lead to water pouring out of the sink and causing a house flood. Yet it didn't stop Rutger's dad from playing video games even after the house flooded. It also led to a swarm of plumbers about to enter inside similar to the barbeque-obsessed dads, but luckily, Lizbeth duct-tapes the door just before they entered this time.
    • Since he can't resist competition, Milo, Lizbeth and Rutger decides to disguise themselves as ninjas in order to beat him at his game. However, they never managed to beat him due to him being too good at karate as a result of the video game.
  • Duct Tape for Everything: After Milo accidentally caused a house flood as a result of throwing his wrench to the sink causing water to pour out, Lizbeth duct-tapes the sink shut to prevent more water from pouring as she saw her dad doing that before. She also duct-tapes the doors shut from the swarm of plumbers to prevent them from entering inside as well.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Milo decides to use his fortune cookie to decrypt the message from his cookie. It mentions that "Sometimes, paper is harder than rock." which sounds like something from Rock–Paper–Scissors, so he decided to challenge Rutger's dad on a game of Rock–Paper–Scissors, which if he loses, he will go outside and play football with his son instead. Eventually, he does indeed lose as he chooses rock and Milo chooses paper since paper covers rock, which led to him quitting the game and plays football with his son.
  • Man-Made House Flood: After Milo's plan on tricking Rutger's dad by estimating the plumber damage failed, as he replies to him to send him the bill despite being fake while playing his karate video game, he accidentally throws his wrench to the sink, causing it to pour out water and cause a house flood.
  • Rock–Paper–Scissors: To stop Rutger's dad from playing a lot of karate video games, Milo challenges him on a game of Rock–Paper–Scissors. If he loses, he will go outside instead. Eventually, he does indeed lose as he chooses rock and Milo chooses paper since paper covers rock. It especially helps that Milo knew about this as it was the cryptic message from his fortune cookie that he got from his take-out lunch.
    Lizbeth: How do you know Rutger's dad was gonna choose rock and not scissors?
    Milo: I didn't. But the cookie did.
    Narrator: Once again, proving the awesome power of PAPER!
