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Recap / Butterbean's Cafe

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Please note that the episodes are listed by production order rather than airing order.

Episode names and descriptions are followed by their original air date in the United States, as well as the year they were produced if the production year is earlier than the year of first airing.

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    Season 1

November 12, 2018 – December 29, 2019 (produced 2018 - 2019) 

  1. Grandma Nana Banana Bread! / Lots and Lots of Lemons!: Dazzle bakes banana bread when her Grandma Nana shows up at the café, but she is missing one ingredient. / Ms. Marmalady switches Jasper's order of fruits with lemons. November 13, 2018
  2. Friendship Pretzels! / The Wild Tooth Chase!: Poppy feels left out when Dazzle gives Butterbean a friendship necklace. / Cricket is given a box by Butterbean to keep her tooth safe, and said box soon goes missing. November 14, 2018
  3. Fluttercakes! / The Perfect Picnic!: Fed up with the garbageman arriving at Butterbean's café, Ms. Marmalady competes with her at a fluttercake (pancake)-making contest. / Cricket’s plans for a perfect picnic with the Puddle Scouts are in ruins by ants secretly caused by Ms. Marmalady, and she must use her scout skills to save the day. March 27, 2019 / March 28, 2019 (produced in 2018)

    Season 2

January 12, 2020 – November 1, 2020 (produced 2019 - 2020) 
