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Recap / Biker Mice From Mars S 4 E 24 Once Upon A Time On Earth

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Stoker finally steals Ronaldo Rump's regenerator, but he is kept from returning to Mars with the invention by not only the Catatonians and Rump, but also the return of the Biker Mice's old enemies Lawrence Limburger and Napoleon Brie.

This is a three-part episode, and the titles for the individual parts are "Stoker's Gambit", "A Salt on Detroit", and "Best Laid Plans".

This episode contains examples of

  • Call-Back: In Part One, Charley briefly appears in her original design.
    • Vinnie calls Napoleon Brie the 'Motor City Maniac', which was the 1993 episode Brie debuted in.
    • In Part Two, Limburger gives the Plutarkian greeting.
    • Greasepit taking over Rump Industries brings to mind when he was put in charge of Limburger Industries in "I, Greasepit".
  • The Cameo: Brief cameos are made by the Plutarkian known as Dominic T. Stilton and Fred the Mutant.
  • Continuity Nod: Stoker is finally cured of his transformations into a rat monster using the regenerator and the patch of Catatonian shape-shifter fur he obtained in "New Cats in Town".
  • Evil Plan: "El Plan-O Ultimo", as Ronaldo Rump calls it, is to use the regenerator to disguise aliens as world leaders so that Rump can take over the world.
  • Forced Transformation: By the end of this three-part episode, the regenerator is used to transform the alien convicts into puppies, Lawrence Limburger and Napoleon Brie into fish, Karbunkle into a turtle, Cataclysm into a white non-anthropomorphic mouse, and the Catatonian soldiers into harmless kittens.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: It is revealed that the Plutarkian invasion of Earth came to an end when Limburger tried to use a machine to suck up everything non-Plutarkian on Earth. Throttle reversed the machine's polarity so that it instead sucked up every Plutarkian on Earth alongside their bases and minions.
  • Long-Lost Relative: Stoker is revealed to have a daughter named Spitfire.
  • Missing Mom: Spitfire's mother is nowhere to be seen and is not even mentioned.
  • Near-Villain Victory: Limburger's plan to suck everything non-Plutarkian off Earth would've worked had the Catatonians not freed the Biker Mice.
  • Origins Episode: The second part explains why the Catatonians went to war with the Martian mice in the first place and how Ronaldo Rump became rich.
  • Papa Wolf: Stoker in his rat form attacks Cataclysm when he threatens his daughter Spitfire.
  • Series Fauxnale
