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Quotes / Incredibly Conspicuous Drag

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"How it becomes clear that he is not a woman is not nearly as interesting as how anyone could possibly have thought he was a woman in the first place. He plays a woman as if determined, in every scene, to signal to the audience that he's absolutely straight and only kidding."
Roger Ebert on Matt LeBlanc in All The Queens Men

"What is unusual about "Sorority Boys" is how it caves in to the homophobia of the audience by not even trying to make its cross-dressing heroes look like halfway, even one-tenth-of-the-way, plausible girls. They look like college boys wearing cheap wigs and dresses they bought at Goodwill. They usually need a shave. One keeps his retro forward-thrusting sideburns and just combs a couple of locks of his wig forward to "cover" them. They look as feminine as the sailors wearing coconut brassieres in South Pacific."

"I agree, it's not my best disguise, but I had to make do."

"The next time you want to play crossdressing, shave properly. No real woman in the world would have a beard."

Shigaraki: (still in his Kohina disguise) The dog seemed down, so I tried being nice to him, but he cried and ran away.
Kokkuri: In that situation, I'd run, too.

Guard 1: Concubines?
Guard 2: Ugly concubines.

Applebloom: This is my... cousin, Orchard Bloom.
Scootaloo: That's Big Mac in a dress.

Joseph: Damn, you Germans are good, you saw right through my trap!
German Soldier 1: Are you crazy!? Of course we saw through it! You're disgusting!
German Soldier 2: Even my sister wasn't that ugly, she was an ox!!
