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Quotes / I Am Spartacus

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SparTacus ( has joined #sanctuary
* SparTacus is now known as Betty_Guns
wacko Jacko ( has joined #sanctuary
<wacko_Jacko>ok spartacus just came n here i know it. which one of you is that loser?
<hunney> I am spartacus
<ji_pper>no im spartacus
<Betty_Guns>I am spartacus
<mistr andersn>I'm spartacus
<wacko_Jacko>ur all freaks thats what u r Quote #328464

The SS officer, with a disagreeable puzzled grin said to Slote, "That one is certainly Jewish. I think a little physical examination would-"
Slote broke in, "I would regard that as personal violence. In America circumcision at birth is routine."
"I am circumcised," said Byron
"So am I", said the old clergyman
The Winds of War by Herman Wouk

Sue: So, you got a part?
Ben: Yeah.
Sue: Right, which one?
Ben: I'm Spartacus.
Pete: No, I'm Spartacus!
Jake: I'm Spartacus!
Ben: I'm going to hear that joke a lot, aren't I?

Sally: I am Giselle, the French bitch!
Jane: And so am I!
Patrick: In that case, we're Dick Darlington.

Siegmann: They can't all be Jews!
Roddie Edmonds: We are all Jews.
— Actual conversation between POW Roddie Edmonds and a Nazi commandant after Edmonds refused to identify Jewish soldiers under his command and ordered his men to self-identify as Jewish.

Stan: Stop it! Stop it!! First it was terrorists, then George Bush and global warming and now you're all blaming crab people for something that's very simple! It's MY fault. I broke the dam. [the crowd falls silent for a few seconds]
Cartman: ...Aw man.
Sharon: Stanley. You?
Man 14: No. Don't you see what this child is saying? We can't spend all our energy placing blame when something bad happens. He's saying... we all broke the dam.
Stan: No. I broke the dam.
Woman 1: I broke the dam.
Man 15: I broke the dam.
Man 16: I broke the dam.
Stan: No. I broke the dam.
Woman 2: And I broke the dam.
Man 17: I broke the dam.
Cartman: Hehe, I broke the dam. Hehe.
Man 18: I broke the dam.
Woman 3: I broke the dam.
Stan: I broke the dam. I ran a boat into the dam, and I broke it.
Man 19: I broke the dam.
Man 20: I broke the dam.
Man 21: I broke the dam.
Man 22: I broke the dam.
Stan: No! I broke the fucking dam!
Man 23: I broke the dam.
Man 24: I broke the dam.
Stan: I literally broke the dam!
Man 25: I broke the dam.
Man 26: I broke the dam.
Stan: On a boat! That wasn't mine!
Man 27: I broke the dam.
Man 28: I broke the dam.
Stan: I kept it secret, for two days!
Man 29: I broke the dam.
Man 30: I broke the dam.
Stan: The boat caught on fire, and it exploded!
Man 31: I broke the dam.
Man 32: I broke the dam.
Stan: Ohhh, fuck it!
South Park, Two Days Before The Day After Tomorrow
