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Quotes / Decoy Backstory

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Wiz: Vought's official story is that Homelander was an alien who landed here as a baby. A tale we're all familiar with.
Boomstick: And one that's total bullshit! Homie was made in a lab with Vought's proprietary super-soldier serum, Compound V.
Wiz: And he was a complete success.
Boomstick: Too much of a success! He was murdering rooms of terrified scientists before his umbilical cord was even cut.

Batman: You're a fool. The Joker doesn't love anything except maybe himself. Face reality, Harleen — Joker had you pegged for hired help the minute you walked into Arkham.
Harley Quinn: That's not... No. NO! H-He told me things, secret things he never told anyone...
Batman: What did he tell you, Harley? Was it the line about the abusive father, or the one about the alcoholic mom? Of course, the runaway orphan story is particularly moving, too. He's gained a lot of sympathy with that one.
Harley: Stop it! You're making me confused!
Batman: What was it he told that one parole officer? Oh, yes... "There was only one time I ever saw dad really happy. He took me to the ice show when I was seven..."
Harley: Circus. He said it was the circus.
Batman: He's got a million of them, Harley. Like any other comedian, he uses whatever material will work.
The Batman Adventures: Mad Love
