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Playing With / The Matchmaker

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Basic Trope: A character who actively tries to get a couple to hook up.

  • Straight: Sarah thinks Jack and Jill makes a cute couple and frequently tries to get the two alone together, hoping that they'll hook up.
  • Exaggerated: Sarah goes so far as to write love letters and send gifts for both Jack and Jill while pretending to be the other, and has already started planning their wedding.
  • Downplayed: Sarah makes suggestive comments about Jack when talking to Jill to make her admit that she likes him, but doesn't try to force their relationship beyond that.
  • Justified: Sarah is Jill's best friend, and she wants Jill to be happy with the guy she likes.
  • Inverted: Sarah tries to get Sickeningly Sweethearts Alice and Bob break up.
  • Subverted: Sarah tries to get Jack and Jill together, but decides that they need to develop their relationship on their own terms and backs off.
  • Double Subverted: Until she gets impatient by their UST, and starts interfering again to move things along faster.
  • Parodied: Sarah dresses up like a cupid and tries to shoot love arrows at Jack to make him fall in love with Jill. She misses most of her shots and end up giving multiple people Amusing Injuries.
  • Zig Zagged: Sarah's interference makes both Jack and Jill uncomfortable, so she tries to back off for a while, only to resume meddling when the relationship goes nowhere. Then Sarah gets a Matchmaker Crush on Jack, and tries to set up Jill with her brother Mark instead.
  • Averted: Jack and Jill gets together without outside help.
  • Enforced: Jack and Jill are meant to be the Official Couple, but they're Twice Shy, and the author can't think of a way to actually get them together without some outside help.
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Invoked: Jill is in love with Jack, but doesn't know how to approach him because she's socially awkward. She asks Sarah for help because her friend is The Social Expert.
  • Exploited: Sarah charges Jill for every successful Ship Tease she gets with Jack as a result of her advice. When the two successfully hooks up, Sarah turns her matchmaking shtick into a profitable enterprise.
  • Defied: Jill notices how Sarah gets overly excited whenever she talks about her relationship with Jack, and quickly tells her not to interfere, fearing that a third party involvement will just hinder her relationship.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Sarah thinks Jack and Jill makes a good couple based on superficial reasons, and ignores the fact that they have no similar interests and are not actually compatible with each other.
  • Reconstructed: ...At least at first. People can change, and Jack and Jill love each other enough to be willing to make the necessary compromises to make the relationship work with Sarah's help, and both end up becoming a better person.
  • Played For Laughs: Sarah plays the matchmaker for a Love Dodecahedron, and tries to get everyone get together with the person they want, despite the numerous Incompatible Orientation between some of the tangled relationships, and the inevitable Polyamory some of these branches would lead to, if everyone's crush is reciprocated. Hilarity Ensues.
  • Played For Drama: Sarah helps Jack and Jill get together despite the fact that the two of them initially hates each other. She fails to realise that Alice has been in love with Jack for a long time, and is now left brokenhearted.

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