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Playing With / Sky-Consuming Dogfight

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Basic Trope: Big Badass Battle Sequence with many, many aircraft shooting at each other in close proximity.

  • Straight: Wikistan and Tropeland have gone onto a furball over a vital piece of land. As a result, there are hundreds of planes in the air, shooting at each other, mainly comprised of the Wikistani Beta Squadron and the Tropelandic Kappa Squadron.
  • Exaggerated: Not only are there Beta and Kappa Squadron, but there's also the elite air forces of Wikistan's Alpha Squadron AND their One Man Air Force Reaper 1, and on Tropeland's end there's Omega Squadron and their top secret stealth force Psi Squadron to duke it out. And they take off from Airborne Aircraft Carriers.
  • Downplayed: There's only twenty or so planes up in the sky; Not much, but definitely chaotic up there.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: It's a one-on-one duel between Reaper 1 and Omega 1, with absolutely nobody else but their own respective AWACS up there.
  • Subverted: As soon as Kappa Squadron and Beta Squadron start engaging, Reaper 1 makes his presence known by shooting down all of Kappa Squadron.
  • Double Subverted: And then Omega Squadron and Psi Squadron shows up, which necessitates the arrival of Alpha Squadron, kicking up a furball either way.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig-Zagged: Sometimes there's a furball, other times there isn't.
  • Averted: There is no Big Badass Battle Sequence in the skies, only on the ground.
  • Enforced: Rule of Cool.
  • Lampshaded: Alpha 1 "Samson" remarks, "Well, isn't this a furball!?" upon seeing thousands of planes up in the sky.
  • Invoked: The vital piece of land essentially necessitates both Wikistan and Tropeland to send off as many planes as possible to ensure victory by attrition.
  • Exploited: Kappa 88 "Slippy" wants to settle a score with Alpha 2 "Solomon" after the latter shot the former down, and she (Slippy) uses the furball to snipe at Solomon from afar without being noticed.
  • Defied: Reaper 1 is sent to deal with any squadron up in the air; His mere presence actively disperses furballs.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

Partake in the Sky-Consuming Dogfight, but be careful not to get shot down up there!
