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Playing With / Rejecting the Inheritance

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Basic Trope: A character renounces the riches or position they are meant to inherit from their predecessor.

  • Straight: Andy is the heir to his father's IT company. He decides not to take over the business, leaving it to his younger brother, and goes off to start his own restaurant chain.
  • Exaggerated: Andy is the sole heir to his parents' Fiction 500 company, but he runs away from home and move to another country to live as a street musician.
  • Downplayed: Andy is meant to be the CEO of his father's company, while his younger siblings are meant to be the managers. Andy decides to switch positions with one of his siblings so that he wouldn't have as much responsibility.
  • Justified:
    • Andy is not interested in his family's business and wants to pursue his own dreams.
    • Andy knows that he is incapable of running a business and doesn't want to destroy his parents' legacy by driving the company they've worked so hard to build into bankruptcy.
    • The inheritance is worthless and might cause more trouble than its worth in the long run,
    • Andy hates his family and wants nothing to do with them, even if it means having to live on the streets to get away from them.
    • Andy's inheritance is that of a noble title, but he wants to pursue a position which disqualifies anyone from the nobility such as being Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
    • Andy believes that he could make his father proud by being independent, and essentially having a gigantic head-start from other businesses would be unfair. And so, Andy proceeds to pass the inheritance to Bob, and promptly starts his own company.
  • Inverted: Andy pretends to be a dead millionaire's long-lost son in order to claim his inheritance despite not actually being related to the latter.
  • Subverted: Andy doesn't want to inherit his father's business, but finally relents after finding out how much money they make, and how costly his living expenses are.
  • Double Subverted: Until he hears the news that a neighbor has been killed for his inheritance, and decides to not take the risk.
  • Parodied: Andy is a dog. He's not a Talking Animal, but makes his rejection of the inheritance clear by shredding every single copy of the will he finds (even the ones locked in safeboxes) to pieces then taking a dump on the torn pieces.
  • Zig Zagged: But not long afterwards, he finds himself in financial trouble, and decides to claim the inheritance after all, while hiring a few bodyguards.
  • Averted: Andy claims his inheritance without any objection.
  • Invoked: Bob, Andy's younger brother, convinces Andy to give up his right to the inheritance so that he himself could a greater portion of their father's wealth.
  • Enforced: The creators want to convey a Be Yourself aesop and emphasizes this by saying that pursuing your own life is more important than having money.
  • Lampshaded: "Are you seriously rejecting ten million dollars worth of future earnings?"
  • Exploited: The other inheritors are ecstatic that Andy's rejection of his share means more portions for them. They immediately go on a spending spree with the additional wealth they got from Andy's part of inheritance.
  • Defied:
    • The will stipulates that anyone who rejects the inheritance must give an equal amount of the money they would've gotten to charity to discourage anyone from doing so.
    • The will straight up enforces that whoever receives the inheritance keeps it for life, and that's final. If they want to get rid of it at any time, they better give up everything they own at that moment. Everything. And not only that, but they are thereby banned from trying to start their own company or make some kind of income, to completely, utterly discourage anyone from rejecting the inheritance.
  • Discussed: Bob brags about his newfound wealth to his friends.
    Danny: "Wow, Bob, I'm surprised your father left you this much money. I thought you weren't close with him."
    Bob: "Yes, but my brother refused to claim his share of inheritance, so everything is mine now."
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Andy fails to account how much money he needs to survive on his own. He ends up having to sell most of his house and reduce his lifestyle to accommodate his much lower income.
  • Reconstructed: Andy decides that, even without his former luxury, he is much happier doing something he is passionate about, than being held responsible over a business he couldn't manage.

What do you mean, I have to inherit main page? No! I refuse to be in charge of that ugly page.
