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Playing With / My Girl Back Home

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Basic Trope: A guy goes to a dangerous place while his significant other stays home.

  • Straight: In Troperia Chronicles 1, General Adam of Troperia goes to battle in the Troperia-Evulz Empire War, leaving his lover Bella behind to wait for him.
  • Exaggerated: In Troperia Chronicles 0 (a prequel), both sides' ENTIRE ARMIES are male, meaning any married females suffered this fate. Men Are the Expendable Gender indeed.
  • Downplayed: N/A
  • Justified:
    • Women were not expected to enter the army.
    • Bella is pregnant, capable though she may be, their child might not survive to being born if she were to go into battle.
  • Inverted: Battle Couple.
  • Gender-Inverted: Alice the Lady of War goes off to battle and leaves her Non-Action Guy lover Bob at home.
  • Subverted: Adam thinks he's left Bella at home, but then he sees her in a Sweet Polly Oliver disguise...
  • Double Subverted: ...or so he thought. It was just Bob, who looks surprisingly like Bella in a Sweet Polly Oliver disguise.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig Zagged: Continuing from Straight, Troperian Army leader Prince Charles and comrade General Dana are a Battle Couple.
  • Averted: Adam is a Celibate Hero.
  • Enforced: N/A
  • Lampshaded:
    Charles: Why did you keep your lover back home rather than bringing her along?
    Adam: YOUR fiancée is lucky to be able to fight, let alone a general. My lover can't.
  • Invoked: "Don't go, Bella. You will be safer here."
  • Defied: "NO! I want to come with you!"
  • Exploited: The Evulz Empire's troops attack Adam and Bella's home city and hold everyone hostage including Bella. Then, they tell Adam: "We have captured your lover and will kill her if you do not defect!"
