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Playing With / Homeworld Evacuation

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Basic Trope Description: Earth (or another species' homeworld) isn't habitable any longer, so mankind (or the respective species) leave it for outer space.

  • Straight: Since Earth has become far too polluted to live on it any longer, humans are evacuated with Generation Ships to move a new planet.
  • Exaggerated: Earth has become far too polluted to live there, a meteor is racing towards it and the sun is dying. So humanity just shoots itself into outer space to live on - somehow and without a real goal to reach, and brings most still-living Earth animals and plants along.
  • Downplayed: Since there are only some habitable regions left on Earth, many people leave for outer space to ease pressure from the planet.
  • Justified: 20 Minutes into the Future, space travel has reached the possibility of Generation Ships, while climate change only went worse - so leaving Earth is humanity's only hope now.
  • Inverted: We see how humanity settled on Earth - a long time ago, as Ancient Astronauts.
  • Subverted: Nature is very much destroyed, and we see how giant starships are prepared to start. Then we see the people around them, and we see that they are aliens on Earth, who see building starships for other species as an art form.
  • Double Subverted: Then The Elites Jump Ship on the starships.
  • Enforced: The work is a Space Opera, and the plot has to be triggered somehow.
  • Averted: Nobody needs to leave their homeworld.
  • Parodied: When a meteor races towards Earth, humans literally shoot themselves away on other little meteors - but the meteor was greatly exaggerated and proves to be as small as a pebble.
  • Zigzagged: Leaving Earth is discussed by politicians, but dropped. Then later some private investors offer to bring survivors to space colonies, and millions sign up, but they prove to be aliens who want to enslave the human race, so that doesn't happen at all and causes chaos. Then politicians redecide to start the evacuation...
  • Invoked: With Earth's destruction impending, the UN decides to pull forces together and to save as many people as possible into space.
  • Exploited: Bob, a wanted criminal, joins a Sleeper Starship used for the evacuation to flee from prosecution.
  • Defied: When the meteor hits, there are only non-ready starships fit for evacuation around, so all humans die.
  • Lampshaded: "Let's take the sci-fi solution for the problem of destroyed home planets - let's go."
  • Discussed: "And what now?" "Leaving for somewhere else?" "Are you crazy?"
  • Conversed: "I hope we'll never have to do something like that in Real Life."
  • Deconstructed: Millions cannot be brought along and die together with the planet. During the trip, all problems that can occur on a Generation Ship occur. Also, it is a massive case of The Elites Jump Ship, and nobody wants to do all the hard work when arriving on the new planet - that turns out to be only barely habitable.
  • Reconstructed: The evacuation is well-planned and the new planet properly scanned for habitability before. The ships are as well-prepared as possible. Also, the leaders of the evacuation watch out to let people of all colors, genders and social standings on the ships.
  • Implied: Humanity lives on a planet that isn't Earth now and uses a calendar that has "BE" (before evacuation) and "AE" (after evacuation) dates.
