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Playing With / Hell Hotel

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Basic Trope Description: A scary hotel.

  • Straight: Tropeville Inn is a dark inn that is haunted and where the guests disappear frequently.
  • Exaggerated: Tropeville Inn is a dark inn that looks like a dark haunted castle, is surrounded by Creepy Crows and crawling with ghosts, all guests disappear there for centuries and the owner is a vampire.
  • Downplayed: Tropeville Inn looks like a Haunted House and is owned by a vampire, but one more of the Friendly Neighborhood Vampire sort.
  • Justified:
    • Tropeville Inn was built on an Indian Burial Ground.
    • Tropeville Inn is cursed.
    • Tropeville Inn was especially built to accommodate horror fans.
  • Inverted: Tropeville Inn is a little Sugar Bowl.
  • Subverted: When Alice and Bob travel to Tropeville Inn, they are warned that guests frequently disappear there. Turns out that just two people ever disappeared there, and that was because they died of natural causes during their stay.
  • Double Subverted: But that is a lie. The owner is a vampire and sucked them dry, and now he plans the same with Alice and Bob.
  • Enforced: It is a Halloween Episode.
  • Averted: Alice and Bob don't stay at a hotel.
  • Zigzagged: The one day the hotel seems scary, the other day not.
  • Parodied: Everyone tells Alice and Bob how scary Tropeville Inn is, and that the guests regularly disappear. Turns out that the guests just go home when they disappear.
  • Invoked: Charlie, the hotel owner, designs it to look scary to attract horror fans.
  • Exploited: Denise uses Charlie's scary reputation to smear him.
  • Defied: When Alice and Bob hear the locals' stories about the hotel, they decide to choose the camping ground to stay.
  • Lampshaded: "Come in, Bob. This may look sinister, but the owner won't suck us dry, or something like that."
  • Discussed: "We're going to Tropeville Inn." "But...last year ten people disappeared there!" "And one person was found dead. With all the blood sucked out of them!"
  • Conversed: "Scary place. Would rather not go there."

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