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Playing With / Experimented in College

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Basic Trope: A character admits they experimented with the same gender in college.

  • Straight: Alice tells her husband Bob that she fooled around with her roommate, Carol, in college.
  • Exaggerated: Alice tells Bob that she fooled around with all of her female roommates in college.
  • Downplayed: Alice tells Bob that she made out with Carol while in college.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
    • Alice tells her wife Carol that she fooled around with her friend Bob while in college.
    • Bob tells his wife Alice that he fooled around with his friend Dave while in college.
    • Bob tells his husband Dave that he fooled around with his friend Alice while in college.
  • Subverted: "Bob, I've gotta tell you something about Carol and I. We..." "...fooled around in college, right?" "What?! No!"
    • Alice and Carol had a several-months (or even years) long relationship in college, not meaningless sex or making out.
  • Double Subverted:
    • "I did have sex with Emily, though."
    • Not long after graduation, they broke up, and Alice exclusively dated men, ultimately marrying Bob.
  • Parodied: Alice has been an out lesbian her whole life, but everyone reacts with shock at the reveal that she had sex with a girl in college.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted:
    • Alice and Carol didn't fool around in college. Or she doesn't tell Bob.
    • Alice and Carol did not attend college.
    • Alice and Carol went to different colleges.
    • Alice is canonically bisexual, and her past relationship(s) with girls isn't treated any differently than her relationship(s) with guys.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: "Of course I fooled around with girls in college. Really, doesn't everyone?"
  • Invoked: Emily, a bicurious high schooler, is motivated to go to college to fool around with girls.
  • Exploited:
    • Alice reveals her previous exploits, or makes up a story about such, knowing Bob's fantasy around two women, in an attempt to turn him on.
    • Alice and Carol make out in order to score boyfriends, banking that they'll be turned on by their making out.
    • Alice and Carol use this as a way to get their sexual jollies off while remaining Technical Virgins.
  • Defied: Alice and Carol never once made out or did anything sexual together. (Even if one or both of them had feelings for the other.)
    • Alice decides that (even if she wants to), "just experimenting" is more trouble than it's worth, what with all the drama and hurt feelings it can cause or exacerbate.
    • Alice doesn't believe in casually hooking up with anyone of any gender; she believes sex (and even things like kissing or making out) should be reserved for actual relationships, or even for marriage.
  • Discussed: Alice suggests fooling around with Carol in college.
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob refuses to accept that Alice had sex with a girl in college and breaks up with her.
    • Alice is secretly a lesbian and breaks up with Bob because of it.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Alice gets back together with Carol.
    • Alice is actually bisexual, and the relationship survives.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice and Carol are both prime examples of Gonk, but Bob acts like them fooling around was the hottest thing ever.
  • Played For Drama:
    • Alice was secretly lesbian or bisexual, and this was the only way she could get away with exploring her desires.
    • Carol had feelings for Alice, who decides that nope, she's straight after all, or that it was "just the alcohol talking," or that it really was "just a phase." Alice didn't make it clear what (if anything) this meant, and Carol feels used, hurt, manipulated, and betrayed. Taking this to its logical extreme, Carol becomes a Yandere or Woman Scorned towards Alice.
    • Pictures of Alice and Carol making out at a frat party get out and it causes a lot of trouble for both of them and ruins their reputations.
    • Bob views Alice as Defiled Forever.
    • Alice is a Congressional candidate running on a conservative Heteronormative Crusader platform. Someone blackmails her with a photo of her and Carol. She has her blackmailer murdered.

Back to Experimented in College. Uh...that page and I used to fool around back when we were in a sorority, you know...
