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Playing With / Description Cut

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Basic Trope: Someone assumes something, and then it cuts to the exact opposite.

  • Straight: Mary assumes that Logan must love the new My Little Phony action figure she got him for Christmas. Cut to Logan throwing it in the garbage.
  • Exaggerated: Mary assumes Logan will think it's the best gift ever. We see Logan cursing the gift as the worst he's ever received (even compared to socks and clothes). He tears up the wrapping, uses it as kindling, and throws the toy directly into his dumpster.
  • Downplayed: We cut to the action figure in Logan's closet, still in its original packaging. It's not that he obviously doesn't love it, he probably just doesn't care about it.
  • Justified: The last time Mary saw Logan, he pretended to like the gift, so Mary has no reason to assume he didn't like it.
  • Inverted: Logan throws out the gift, then we cut to Mary assuming he liked it.
  • Subverted: Logan throws out the gift, but then reconsiders and appreciates the thought behind it.
  • Double Subverted: He realizes that Mary doesn't like him and probably gave him a crappy gift on purpose. So he throws it away again.
  • Parodied: Mary was somehow able to see the cut, and comments "Why did the universe go out of its way to correct me?"
  • Zig-Zagged: We cut to various peoples' reactions to Mary's gifts. Some of them react the way she thought, others don't, and for others it's more ambiguous.
  • Averted: Mary assumes that Logan likes her gift to him. We don't see anything to confirm or deny this.
  • Enforced: "Let's add in a quick joke where the audience sees that Mary is wrong."
  • Exploited: Mary has Medium Awareness and says "I bet Logan hated my gift!" in the hopes that it'll turn out he likes it.
  • Conversed: "I think editors like that thing where a character describes something and then you see the opposite."
  • Deconstructed: Mary's bad judgment and lack of awareness of others shows how much of a bad friend she is.

No way you'd ever go back to Description Cut.
