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Playing With / Calming Tea

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Basic trope: A character drinks tea to calm down after experiencing stress or other bad situations.

  • Straight: After having a bad day at work, Alice immediately heads to the nearby cafe and orders a nice pot of hot tea to relax.
  • Exaggerated: Alice is a Nervous Wreck who drinks almost as much tea as water (if not moreso) because she gets jittery every few seconds over some imagined problem and needs a cuppa.
  • Downplayed: Alice is already calm when she drinks tea, but she has it so she can enjoy the moment a little longer.
  • Justified: Tea contains phytochemicals that can function as antidepressants.
  • Inverted: Alice drinks tea to get herself excited.
  • Subverted: Alice drinks tea to deal with the stress of getting fired from her job. It doesn't help, so she moves on to beer.
  • Double Subverted: She gets a hangover the next morning while still feeling like shit. She treats herself with tea again, and this time, it helps calm her down.
  • Parodied: While battling her Arch-Enemy Bob, Alice grows increasingly frustrated by his juvenile taunting, that she takes a literal Mid-Battle Tea Break (which Bob allows, for some reason) to calm down before they continue the fight.
  • Zig Zagged: Lady Alice typically enjoys an afternoon tea, but when things go bad, she prefers alcohol to cope. Until one drunken episode causes her to make the problem worse, and she swears off alcohol, but moves on to coffee as her Comfort Food.
  • Averted: Alice doesn't drink anything to calm herself down.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: "Ah, tea... the best cure for all the world's problems."
  • Invoked: A doctor tells Alice to drink tea instead of alcohol whenever she's feeling bad.
  • Exploited: With the rising rates of anxiety and depression, as well as the increasing awareness over the side effects of medicines, tea sellers start to market their products as all-natural anti-depressants.
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied: Whenever she's stressed out, Alice takes a swig out of her trusty flask to calm down. She's known as The Teetotaler, so the audience knows that she's not drinking alcohol, but the exact contents of the flask is unknown.

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