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Playing With / Borrowing from the Sister Series

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Basic Trope: A game creator borrows a successful element from one of their series to use in another.

  • Straight: Trope Co. develops two RPG series: High Fantasy Tales of Troperia and Space Opera Antropeda Galaxy. After its success in Tales of Troperia II, they implement a Karma Meter in Antropeda Galaxy II.
  • Exaggerated: AG II is mechanically a carbon copy of ToT II in every way.
  • Downplayed: The Karma Meter is brought over, but it functions much differently between the games.
  • Justified: The Karma Meter was widely well-received, so Trope Co. includes it in their games.
  • Inverted: Technically impossible, as it the element would simply be borrowed in the opposite direction.
  • Subverted: The Karma Meter appears to be identical, but it actually functions differently and attempting to play the same way as in ToT II will have opposite results.
  • Double Subverted: ...but applying common sense to the karma gains will still allow you to reach the level you desire.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig-Zagged: The successful Karma Meter from ToT II is implemented in AG II, but functions differently, meaning that if you attempt to play the same way to reach the karma level of your choice, you'll end up with different the UI. Due to a bug in the engine shared by the games, AG II still reads the Karma Meter like ToT II, meaning the in-game results do not match your apparent karma level.
  • Averted: The two games are completely different and no elements are shared between them.
  • Enforced:
    • The Karma Meter in ToT II was so iconic that fans would revolt if Trope Co. released a game, even in a different series, without it. So the producers require that it be included.
    • AG is made using the same engine as ToT II and by keeping the latter's low level aspects, more of the budget/time could be spend on the high level aspects.
  • Lampshaded: AG II party member Quinn Byrd comments upon gaining karma "man, they're just straight up copying features now, aren't they?"
  • Exploited:
  • Defied:
  • Discussed:
  • Conversed:
  • Deconstructed: The propensity for copying mechanics from the sister series leads to each series becoming mechanically and thematically identical, making any differences In Name Only.
  • Reconstructed: With the games becoming too similar, the developers decide to change up how the games interpret the mechanics, keeping it the same from the source, but changing up how the mechanics work in the other. The games remain distinct, and the fans are pleased with the result.
  • Played for Laughs:
  • Played for Drama:

We borrowed this link back to the main page from another "Playing With" page.
