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Playing With / Affectionate Nickname

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Basic Trope: A nickname given out of affection.

  • Straight: A married couple named Alice and Bob call one another "Ally" and "Bobby".
  • Exaggerated: They have a whole slew of affectionate nicknames for one another, their True Companions, their family members, and their pets.
  • Downplayed: When Charlie calls them "Ally" or "Bobby" it's to ridicule them, however, when they call each other that it's out of affection.
  • Justified: They've been called that since their childhood.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice and Bob mainly are called "Ally" and "Bobby" by most people in their lives, but call each other "Alice" and "Bob".
    • Embarrassing Nickname
    • Alice and Bob hate eachother to the point of Alice calling Bob "Boob" and Bob calling Alice "A Leech".
  • Subverted: Then they get into a fight and Alice calls Bob "Bobby" to be mean.
  • Double Subverted: But when Bob says, "Ally, please...", he is calling Alice "Ally" out of affection.
  • Parodied: Alice has a Long List of rules about who can call her what and in which situations.
  • Averted: Despite being married, Alice and Bob don't call each other anything besides their given names.
  • Zigzagged: Sometimes they call one another "Ally" and "Bobby" out of affection, sometimes out of spite, and sometimes for no reason at all.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded:
    Bob: "Good morning, Ally"
    Alice: "Good morning, Bobby"
    Bob: "Isn't it funny that we love each other, so we call each other that?"
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: When someone pretends to be Alice, Bob can Spot the Impostor because only Alice would call him "Bobby".
  • Defied: "Don't you dare call me "Ally"!"
  • Discussed: "Why do people who love each other call each other nicknames?"
  • Conversed: "What's with it with those two characters and their mushy names for one another?"
  • Implied: Bob is seen writing notes. If you look closely, you can see the phrase "Ally gets her dentist appointment", which presumably refers to Alice.
  • Deconstructed: ???
  • Reconstructed: ???
  • Played for Laughs: Sickeningly Sweethearts constantly think up new ridiculous nicknames for each other.
  • Played for Drama: When Alice thinks she will never see Bob again, she shouts "Bobby?!!"

Back to Affectionate Nickname, sugarbear.
