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Playing With / Actually a Good Idea

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Basic Trope: Open acknowledgment In-Universe that an idea is actually brilliant.

  • Straight:
    • "That's actually not such a bad idea."
    • "That's brilliant!"
  • Exaggerated:
    • "That's the greatest idea of the world! You deserve a Nobel Prize!"
    • Alice comes up with a good idea and everyone openly acknowledges that it is a good idea. Everybody. There are no contrarians among anyone everywhere, including everyone that will benefit nothing from it. The President even visits her to tell her what a good job she is doing just by coming up with it.
  • Downplayed: "That's a decent idea."
  • Justified:
    • Alice has a Degree that gives her expertise in this highly unlikely situation they are in and thus she would be the only one with a good idea to combat the problem. Since this is the first time she has presented the group with a good idea, Bob cannot help but acknowledge it.
    • Alice was applying Keep It Simple, Stupid! and avoided the pitfalls of the Awesome, but Impractical plans of her friends.
  • Inverted: Alice, who normally comes up with good ideas, panics and comes up with an idea so terrible that everyone can't help but point out its terribleness.
    • "Are you an idiot? No, let me rephrase that: you're an idiot! And so is your idiot idea!"
  • Subverted: Alice comes up with a plan that sounds good on paper, only for it to immediately fall apart the moment it is executed.
  • Double Subverted: Alice's plan is Crazy Enough to Work, and it works out perfectly. Bob then admits he was wrong to doubt her.
  • Parodied:
    Bob: That's the stupidest... actually, that isn't such a bad idea.
    Alice: I know, right?
    Bob: If I had thought of it, then it probably wouldn't have worked, since I usually come up with better plans, but if the idiot could figure it out, then maybe the problem isn't as difficult as we thought.
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice comes up with a good idea and everyone acknowledges it. When the idea fails, they all flip back to doubting her integrity. Later it turns out that while her idea failed in the short term, it actually led to a domino effect that worked out overall. Alice then admits to not having planned any of it and is just happy that everything worked out the way it did. Then a wink to the audience implies that she did plan it all out, but it is left vague if this was the case.
  • Averted: Alice comes up with a good idea, but nobody acknowledges it because she comes up with good ideas often.
  • Enforced: The producers thought that the story was too mean-spirited and wanted the director to Throw the Dog a Bone.
  • Lampshaded: "Yeah. The idea doesn't suck. What do you want, a medal?"
  • Invoked: Someone intentionally inspired Alice's plan to make it that good.
  • Defied: "I don't need to hear how great the idea is, just do it already!"
  • Exploited: Bob takes all of the time the group takes to congratulate Alice on her good idea to sabotage her plan behind their backs.
  • Implied: Bob gives Alice a bemused look towards Alice before shrugging and tries her idea out. Alice gives a smug smile, seeing the compliment in his reaction.
  • Discussed: "Just because you had a good idea does not mean we'll take a break to bask you with compliments. We all have good ideas and you don't see us getting a parade for it."
  • Conversed: "That sounded like a good idea. But she said it. So is it really?"
  • Deconstructed: Alice is considered a complete moron, so when she comes up with a good idea for once, everybody acknowledges that the idea was not too bad before waving it off as it not being as clever as it is at face value. They eventually try out the good idea when they run out of all other options... and it fails just as they figured it would.
  • Reconstructed: Alice is considered a complete moron, so when she comes up with a good idea for once, everybody waves it off as it not being as clever as it is at face value. They eventually try out the good idea when they run out of all other options and it turns out that it actually did work, learning the important lesson that they should not underestimate her.
  • Played for Laughs: Alice voices her idea and Bob goes onto a speech littered with Purple Prose about how it is the greatest idea he has ever heard, complete with creaming his jeans every time the idea is brought up from then onward.
  • Played for Drama: Alice comes up with the closest thing to a good idea, but it involves a Sadistic Choice. When she feels remorse for the consequences, everyone around her consoles her over it, stating that while lives have been lost, her idea has saved countless more.
  • Played for Horror: Alice comes up with what seems like a good idea, only for this idea when implemented to cause horrific aberrations to appear and The End of the World as We Know It.
  • Logical Extreme: When Bob acknowledges that Alice's plan is a good idea, he then immediately remembers all of her seemingly bad or average ideas and realizes that they were not nearly as bad as he thought they were at the time.
  • Untwisted: Alice made a plan that sounds good, but it has an obvious critical flaw that could make it fall apart, but it still works.
  • Unparodied: After Bob says that "maybe the problem isn't as difficult as we thought," he notices that Alice never thought about why she doesn't usually make good ideas in the first place: he never let her do it, and he feels bad about it.
