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Nightmare Fuel / StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void

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Foolish, prideful children.

  • Just what happened to the Moebius Foundation before and during Legacy of the Void.
    • Raynor was even a little hesitant to describe, saying their last transmissions were "crazed" just before they started attacking.
    • What's more, as discovered in "Whispers of Oblivion", that their minds are completely enthralled to the hybrids they were creating. Even if they couldn't be instantly controlled like the Zerg and Protoss, they have their minds bent to their will just as much.
      • What makes this reasonable is how they've spent so much time working on making hybrids and guarding the projects. Still, imagine you running security or breeding them, unaware that they are slowing torturing your mind into a psychotic fanatic.
    • And then, there's the voices of these broken Terran servants, sounding as they were devoted cultists to a dark god. A Terran Viking in "Templar's Charge" sounds nothing like a sane Viking. With Dissonant Serenity they say "The shadow spreads." as if a Hybrid is speaking through them.
    • Raynor describes the Moebius Corps as being far more merciless in the causing destruction to Korhal than even the Zerg have been. We don't get to see firsthand how ruthless the enthralled Moebius troops were during their rampage, but it's probably not a stretch that the Dominion military and civilians had to face off against crazed lunatics with no concern for their safety in their fanatical attacks, willing to commit unspeakable horrors due being mind controlled.
  • "Last Stand" is already eerie enough with an enemy you can not truly defeat due to them being outside the bounds of the map (similar to "In Utter Darkness" in Wings of Liberty). However, all you can do is delay the inevitable and the only hope is to destroy the planet with the Xel'Naga Temple. As the mission goes on, you start losing vision outside temple plateau, and get the sense of being surrounded by unseen numbers. The lack of information of what's beyond the fog-of-war and the map boundaries can be more tense than what you see attacking you.
  • Just as you're about to do 'The Host', the Spear of Adun's power shuts down, and Artanis gets to hear Amon taunt him. Even his face appears in the advisor box to replace Rohana's briefly. Did we mention that the mission-select UI flickers and disappears as well?
  • In this game, Amon is presented not as an individual, but rather as an immutable, inexorable force of nature. He's like a malevolent cross between Satan and Cthulhu. Of particular note is when he hijacks the Khala without the slightest discernible effort, effectively enslaving the majority of a highly advanced species with little more than a thought.
    • Fridge Horror: Why could Amon do the hijacking so easily? He came up with the Khala in the first place, and as a tool to enslave the protoss. It is their Overmind. To him, he's just using a tool the way it's originally designed for.
      • Although one might wonder why Amon didn't just keep them all enslaved in the first place before they rebelled. The lore specified that they stopped using their common psionic link (the Khala) during the Aeon of Strife between the tribes. Perhaps, absorbing Kerrigan's energy after Wings of Liberty gave Amon the power he needed to hack the Khala, considering the fact that power originally came from the Overmind, and was transferred into Kerrigan when she first got infested.
      • Legacy specified that the protoss grew more powerful than Amon's and his team's expectations. The horror comes when you realise that Amon could already have been trying his very best to keep the protoss enslaved before they broke free. This could also explain his instruction to the Overmind to exterminate the protoss: because they defied him, their great uplifter.
    • In the final cutscene of the main campaign, Artanis emplores the Khalai to free themselves from Amon's control. Amon rebukes him, stating that they are "One in the Khala." A phrase so often used as a battlecry or to reassure companions is used by Amon in mockery.
  • The Dark Archon returns, and their voice samples convey the sense that they are under great strain, as if sustaining their life is an agonizing process and can barely speak in slow deliberate sentences. Amon's threat level was so dangerous that the Nerazim leadership allowed their creation once again, but it's now easier to hear why they were horrified at the first creation of a Dark Archon.
  • Although we are mercifully spared a first hand view of the process, Amon begins "recycling" mind-controlled Protoss slaves and the Zerg Overmind's corpse in order to make a host body for himself. Although we never get an explicit answer, Artanis speculates that those Protoss possessed by Amon are fully aware and conscious of their predicament. If true, this would mean that every victim slated to provide "raw materials" for the host were fully aware that they were marching into a slaughterhouse, and were powerless to do anything about it.
    • To make it more horrifying, consider that Amon could be maliciously taunting his victims on how they are powerless before him, their uplifter god, and how their friends /loved ones would be joining them soon.
    • Amon's host body in the loading screen for "The Host" and in an earlier cutscene conveys a sense of dread, as this is the final step for Amon to manifest in the universe physically and would lead to the "In Utter Darkness" scenario you forsee in Wings of Liberty. Amon's host body actually gets the chance to awaken and use a Wave-Motion Gun eye beam to cut a path of destruction through your base. If Daelaam armada hadn't been nearby to open fire upon The Host, the end of the universe may have begun here.
    • Considering Rohanna's comment about how, althought she seldom bore witness to Amon's possessions, each was horrifying as she watched him make a mockery of her, it's pretty much confirmed that the protoss are very much aware of what Amon is doing to them. And despite this The Khalai are still reluctant to sever their nerve cords in the end - it really brings home just how much they value the Khala. And yet they have to give it up.
  • In the final mission of the epilogue, Amon himself comes to tear shit up with his true form. One minute you are managing your base, when suddenly a nightmarish voidspawn, more than a dozen times larger than any other unit in the game, attacks your base from the direction you were least expecting. And he doesn't just raze your base to the ground, he obliterates the ground beneath it along with any resources or hapless units that were there at the time. You have probably seen hundreds of bases destroyed by now, but the suddenness, savagery, and totality of the destruction is enough to stun even a veteran player.
    • Seeing Amon's true form, for that matter. An enormous, cthulhuoid thing with a jet-black hide and 10 huge eyes brightly glowing blood-red. Despite being of the same species as the earlier-seen benevolent Ouros, he comes across as much scarier-looking.
