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Nightmare Fuel / Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost

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  • The two guards dressed as undead barbarians are unsettling.
  • The Hex Girls' first appearance is intentionally a bit creepy.
  • The attacks from the fake Witch's Ghost.
  • The sleuthing scenes are much creepier and quiet than usual here.
  • Ben is elated to finally find Sarah's book, which will finally prove that his ancestor was a peaceful, kind Wiccan and not a witch... only the book has a massive, scary skull on it. And we get a deep Scare Chord as we realize Ben was not telling the truth. It turns out Sarah was a wicked old witch and her so-called journal was actually a spell book.
  • Ben testing his powers and summoning Sarah are epic and terrifying. Sarah may have only been introduced in this movie, and only just been established as evil, but you will be on edge and horrified as Ben summons her. "THIS IS EVIL'S FINEST HOUR"!
  • Sarah Ravencroft herself is nightmarish in her own right. By this point in the franchise, she was the most evil, and most powerful foe the gang had faced, being an all too real, all powerful witch with a desire to destroy everything on the face of the planet.
  • The evil pumpkins being sent after the gang. One of them grabs onto Daphne with a vine and is squealing as it prepares to eat her. And their deaths are pretty scary as well, being crushed and seemingly still being alive after breaking into pieces and puddles.
  • Though Played for Laughs, when the giant turkey wakes to see what he believes are two pilgrims about to kill and eat him, he understandably screams and runs for his life.
  • Sarah's defeat as she drags her descendant Ben screaming into the hellish netherworld she'd been trapped in for centuries. Thankfully, the book is burned, dooming the Ravencrofts to never return.
    Velma: Ben Ravencroft's last book is one the world will never buy...
    Daphne: Thank goodness.
    Shaggy: But, like, it would have been a hot bestseller.
  • The ending song, "The Witch's Ghost", is pretty creepy and epic as befitting the credits of a pretty dark and scary Scooby film.
