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Nightmare Fuel / Princess Agents

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  • Chu Qiao and many other girls are forced into wagons, driven out to a strange place, and chased into an arena by soldiers. None of them have any idea what's happening or why. Then it turns out they've been brought there so the lords of Western Wei can hunt them down and kill them.
  • Yuwen Yue fakes Chu Qiao's death. Unfortunately people not in on the plan think she really is dead and take her away to be cremated. Yuwen Yue races to save her. By the time he arrives some bodies have already been burned, and he can't find Chu Qiao anywhere. So he puts the fire out, hunts through the ashes... and finds Chu Qiao's ring.
  • Yuwen Huai locks a toddler in a box. Lan Shu Yi, the boy's mother, knows Yuwen Huai has kidnapped him but can't rescue him.
