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Nightmare Fuel / Pixels

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The Short Film

  • Retro games have returned, and they want to destroy everything you love by turning them into piles of pixels, with no apparent resistance from the local humans:
    • Space Invaders zapping cars, which then collapse into piles of colored cubes.
    • Pac-Man munching his way along a subway route, making the exits (and probably everything underground as well) vanish as he goes.
    • Tetris blocks dropping down and making high-rise buildings vanish, one completed row at a time.
    • Break Out paddles casually demolishing brick buildings. For added bonus points, one gets to see the Brooklyn Bridge collapse in the background.
    • Donkey Kong clinging to the top of a high-rise building and throwing massive barrels down onto the street. And by the looks of it, the barrels explode upon impact. Not only that, but when one of them destroys a fire hydrant, even the water spewing out of it is pixellated.
    • The pixellated Cartoon Bomb at the end that completely bones humanity.
  • The film's ending, with a bomb going off that turns everything on Earth into pixels, and pixelates Earth itself until it turns into a giant black cube floating through space. Eerie stuff.

The Theater Film

  • Any part some one is killed by the video game characters and reduced to pixels, such as the soldier who gets mutilated into pixels by Centipede.
    • For that matter, Centipede itself. Unlike other pixelated aliens in this movie, this video game has a very intimidating look to it that, at best, unnerves gamers.
  • Tōru Iwatani getting his hand bitten off by Pac-Man.
    • Although it rematerializes at the end.
    • Pac-Man itself. Think of the big ol' yellow muncher that's a good guy, right? Here it's merely an antagonizing, pixellated eating machine that munches and pixellates everything in its path.
      • Bonus points if you're acting the role of the four pursuing Ghosts as Brenner, Ludlow, and Eddie do with Mini-Coopers. That which in-game, Pac-Man is actually faster than. Of course Pac-Man is still vulnerable to the touch of said Ghosts, until granted with temporary invincibility by munching on a power-pellet.
