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Nightmare Fuel / Let Me In

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Are you scared, little girl?

  • The opening scene shows us a horrifically-injured Thomas, with no clue as to how he got in this state, being taken to the hospital. The unnamed police detective then comes in to interrogate him. We see the police officer from Thomas's POV, as he starts demanding to know if Thomas is a Satanist, and threatens that "they" will find out who he is no matter what. The actor's feverish delivery, and the way he delivers these threats right to the camera, makes the police officer come off as quite threatening to the viewer.
  • Abby's vampire attacks are extremely brutal and violent, leaving the victims a bloody mess, and yet still alive as she feeds.
  • Owens reenactments of his fantasies of killing the boys who bully him. Usually, it simply involves him stabbing a tree with a pocket knife while repeating their insults but in one of his first scenes, it's a lot more disturbing. He's standing half-naked in front of a mirror wielding a large butcher knife while wearing an incredibly creepy mask that makes him look like a slasher villain while miming with the knife the torture and murder of one of his bullies. It's a chilling demonstration of how despite being a sweet, gentle boy, Owen was very close to snapping from the abuse he endured at school.
  • Throughout the film, there's a recurring visual image of light being refracted through glass (through his telescope or a peephole) into Owen's eyes that makes his eyes look yellow, similar to Abby’s when she feeds. It's rather eerie and possibly foreshadows Owen's fate with Abby.
  • Abby and Owens kiss after she kills the detective who has been investigating her murders. Abby is still covered in the man's blood when she initiates it and when she breaks away from Owen some of the blood is plastered on his lips.
  • Thomas's face after he pours acid on himself to protect Abby. His face has been destroyed, with severe burns all over his skin, his lips and nose have melted off and one eye is milky white.
  • Abby's slaughter of the bullies, most of which happens offscreen. As they are drowning Owen they hear an inhuman roar and then the camera cuts to Owen underwater. You see body parts falling into the water, including the severed head of Kenny's brother float past Owen, who then emerges out of the water.
  • The scene with Abby and Owen in the basement, initially set up like an awkward date scene. With Abby asking Owen what he wanted to do together, he can only break out into an adorable, sheepish grin before asking her to close her eyes. When she does so happily, clearly expecting a kiss from Owen, he instead cuts his fingertip to make a friendship pact. When Abby opens her eyes again and sees Owens blood her instincts instantly kick in and she stares at him hungrily like a predator. He only gets confused by this and thinks she's afraid of the pain and makes things worse by presenting his bloody hand to her. Abby overpowered by her own sense of blood lust throws herself to the ground and licks his blood off the ground like a dog and her face suddenly looks demonic. Realizing she won't be able to resist the urge to kill Owen if she stays in the room a second longer she bolts out and attacks a couple in a blood frenzy.
  • " me a little" The deleted scene where Abby decided to show Owen how she became a vampire, she stares into his eyes as he enters into a sort of trance and suddenly the audience is shown a flashback of Abbey being attacked and bitten by an older man, with the assault being filmed like, and heavily implied to be, a rape. Already highly disturbing but it gets even worse when Owen snaps out of it, he looks extremely traumatized and he clutches the same part of his neck where Abby was bitten. Implying that Owen not only witnessed what happened to Abby but he literally felt what she went through.
  • The police officer's murder, Abby pounces on him like a leopard before beginning to tear his throat out. While on the floor with his blood spewing out he reaches out to Owen for help, who terrified closes the door as Abby finishes him off. The camera focuses on Owen's face as he puts his hands on his ears in a desperate attempt to block out the sound of the officer dying screams, as well the ripping and squelching sounds. The officer's screams end with the sound of something breaking, implied to be Abby snapping his neck. When Abby comes out she walks over to a traumatized Owen and hugs him, but it makes the scene even more horrifying as she's covered in blood, and she walks slowly and silently up behind him like she was a ghost, and wraps her arms around him, while Owen is completely submissive, as though symbolizing that Owen belongs to her now.
  • The scene where the bullies charge into the pool area, turn the lights out, and chase Owen through the darkened locker room. More disturbingly they scream Owen's name as they chase him to terrify him. When Owen frantically reaches his locker and takes out his pocket knife, the bullies just laugh at him as the knife is tiny. The scene shows off how vulnerable Owen is, shivering, half-naked, surrounded by 4 teenage boys, each one of whom is considerably bigger than he is. The bullies then overpower Owen and drag him across the rough tiles of the locker room as he shrieks in pain/fear. It's almost more frightening than any of the vampire attacks, and you really feel Owen's terror that they could do anything to him at this moment.
    • Which turns out to be a very sadistic test. Kenny's brother tells Owen he'll destroy one of his eyes if he fails and even if he passes he's still going to cut his face. To pass he needs to hold his breath underwater for 3 minutes, Kenny's brother then tells him sadistically to take a deep breath before immediately shoving his head under the surface, while gripping on tightly to Owens hair keeping him underwater. After a minute even the other bullies start getting disturbed and tell him to stop only for Jimmy to scream at them to shut up.
  • Most of the scenes with the bullies tormenting Owen, really. The film is very good at conveying the sheer amount of mental, emotional, and physical abuse that Owen is put through every day at school. Kodi Smit-McPhee is very good at portraying Owen's fear and anxiety each time he sees Kenny approach him, knowing he's about to be attacked.
    • The wedgie scene, usually portrayed as a comical form of bullying, is shown here to be extremely distressing for Owen. The scene is filmed almost like a sexual assault with the boys half naked attacking Owen, pinning him to the ground, pulling, and tearing at his clothes as he's begging them to stop. Eventually, Owen wets himself from the pain/terror and the bullies kick him one last time before leaving, laughing at him and singing about it to cause him as much humiliation as possible, as Owen lies on the floor crying.
    • Later when Owen is using the toilet stall you can hear Kenny giggling and deliberately banging the door to frighten Owen before he comes out. When Owen reluctantly does, he then proceeds to whip him hard using a metal antenna and even hits him across the face with it leaving a bloody scar on his face. When the other bullies seem shocked at this and point out Owens mother will want to know what happened to him. Kenny just smirks and tells them Owen will simply lie and tell her that he fell on the playground. Which Owen terrified, silently just shakes his head agreeing to. Even more disturbing is that Kenny keeps calling Owen a "she" throughout the entire scene and pulls at his hair to force him to look directly into his eyes while leering at him.
    • When the class goes out on a skating trip, Kenny and the other bullies corner him. Even when Owen takes a metal pole to defend himself and the teacher blatantly sees what's going on, it's not enough to deter Kenny, who threatens to drown Owen but not before anally raping him with the metal pole first.
  • Kenny himself is a massive source of nightmare fuel. As detailed above his various methods of torturing Owen go way beyond normal schoolyard bullying into sadism. It's also made clear Kenny is utterly obsessed with making Owen miserable, to the point seeing him happy drives him into a rage. When he sees Owen happily making notes for Abby he becomes furious. So much so that he beats him up with an antenna in the toilets later and when he does so he stares at Owen so intently his face seems to spasm out of sheer anger.
  • The simple words: "You have to invite me in". Abby comes to visit Owen, however tells him that he needs to "invite her in". Owen asks her why and if something is in her way, only for Abby to enter his home uninvited. After standing in his living room, she begins to convulse and bleed from every orifice of her body, much to Owen's horror and he quickly invites her in before hugging her in fear and concern. Abby's response that she doesn't know why it happens makes it more eerie.
  • Kenny's brother Jimmy continues to hold Owen' s head underwater even while Abby is tearing the kids to pieces. Even after severed body parts are being tossed into the pool, his hand keeps a death grip on Owen's hair. Just how badly did he want to kill Owen?
