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Nightmare Fuel / Flushed Away

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Might wanna look behind you.
  • As Roddy sleeps in his cage after having a fun day, he hears something in the kitchen and wakes up. He tells a Soldier Action Figure someone is in the house, despite the fact it is just a toy. Roddy then investigates the kitchen, before he notices the sink shaking until a mysterious figure emerges out of it yelling "Yee-Haw!". Roddy then gets scared and tries to find a place to hide, but not long after he bumps into a cereal box with a chocolate monster. As he tries to fix his flashlight, a figure emerges from a chocolate cake, doing a zombie walk behind Roddy while he isn't looking. After Roddy turns around, he exclaims in fear until Sid, who was the chocolate cake monster, belches in Roddy's face.
  • The Toad's plan to wipe out every rat in Ratropolis is no slouch. The reason he wants to is because he was cast aside after his previous owner Prince Charles got a pet rat on his birthday and he gave it more attention than him.
  • The scene where the Toad eats a fly in his first scene. It is normal for frogs to eat flies. However, this fly is sentient and it begs for Roddy to help it before being eaten. There’s something about it begging for its life that makes the audience feel unnerved and sorry for it.
  • One of Spike and Whitey's agents used a toaster instead of a egg beater machine and gets zapped to presumed death.
    • Although considering he shows up again later during the finale, it's a given that he survived getting electrocuted. Still doesn't make him any less of an idiot however as after the Toad tells his men to stop Roddy and Rita, he tries running after them and ends up falling off the roof of the Toad's lair.
  • The Persuader. Oh dear.
  • The boiling sea. If Roddy and Rita hadn’t escaped in time, they would’ve died painfully.
