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Heartwarming / Flushed Away

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  • Roddy instantly bonding with Rita’s family is incredibly sweet, demonstrating that he may be a bit posh but he is still a Nice Guy — and that maybe he doesn't belong topside. He has only known them for a couple of hours at most, but he immediately sees why Rita is doing everything she can to give them the life they deserve. As soon as he gives Rita the Ruby he promised, the first thing he ask is if it'll be enough to provide for them.
  • Roddy wishing Rita good night and actually getting a response. The way he says it multiple times just to hear Rita reply emphasizes just how much he loves having company for the first time in a very long while.
  • On the villain’s side: Le Frog shows nothing but contempt towards his English cousin and finds the Toad’s plan ridiculous, but he still wants to help him because they are family.
    Le Frog: He's cuckoo,
  • When the truth of Roddy’s home is revealed, Rita isn’t at all mad over being lied to; Instead she shows nothing but concern for Roddy, instantly understanding how lonely his life has been as a single pet.
  • As the duo arrived to Kensington and into Roddy's home, the first thing Roddy does is pay Rita for her troubles and help in getting him home.
    Roddy: (opening a jewelry box) Ta-da! As promised, the Kensington jewels. (pulls out a red ruby) A genuine star-cut ruby.
    Rita: It's just beautiful!
    Roddy: And the best part: (hits it hardly on the box) Unbreakable. (hands it to Rita)
    Rita: I don't know what to say.
    Roddy: You think it will be enough? I mean, to take care of your family?
    (Rita nods warmly in response)
    Roddy: (pulls out a green jewel) And, maybe, this could be the Jammy Dodger Mark II.
    (Rita suddenly hugs Roddy. Roddy obliges)
    Rita: Well...I suppose this is it.
    Roddy: Thank you... for the lift.
    Rita: You're welcome.
  • Roddy and Rita building a second Jammy Dodger and setting off with Rita’s family with the whole rat city seeing them off. Like Whitey says, it’s truly a happy ending.
    Rita: Where are we going?
    Roddy: I have no idea! But we're gonna get there really fast!
  • The Toad's backstory shows he had a good life before his Face–Heel Turn and Fantastic Racism over the rat kind.
    The Toad: Of all the pets in Buckingham Palace, young Prince Charles fancied me the best; we would frolic day after sunny day in royal abandon, sharing that sweet and magical bond between boy and toad.
  • Roddy getting Sid to flush him back down the toilet, with the promise that Sid will be good for his owner, the little girl Tabitha. Sid promises and the two salute each other.
