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Memetic Mutation / BoJack Horseman

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BoJack Horseman

Memetic Mutation in this series.
  • "Hey, aren't you the horse from Horsin' Around?"Explanation
  • "What is this, a crossover episode?"Explanation
  • Horsin' Around in general. Reciting the characters' catchphrases, linking to the theme song, and claiming to have watched it in the 90s.
  • "I have no self-control and I hate myself."Explanation
  • "I know I'm smiling right now, but the light inside me is dying".Explanation
    • "That's too much, man!" gets used to sum up any of the usual reactions to the show by fans.
  • "Piece of shit. You're a stupid piece of shit." Lines from the episode have become popular quotes coupled with the song "Blood in the Cut".
    • "These are cookies. This is not breakfast."Explanation
  • "Business-wise, this all seems like appropriate business", which is used to label real life examples of kids in a trenchcoat attempting Vincent Adultman-like antics.
  • "What are YOU doing here?!"Explanation
  • Pickles be thicc, or Thiccles for short.
  • In light of the episode "Angela," the retool of Horsin' Around that removes BoJack is a popular source of memes and edits, particularly this version of the theme song.
  • "One minute of Bojack Horseman was more anti-suicide than the entire [insert specific movie or series] was." Explanation
  • At what point did you stop rooting for [x]?Explanation
  • No man, some crew guy just left his coffee cup in the shot.Explanation
  • "Rehab was supposed to be a fresh start" Explanation
  • Pointing out the obvious - that BoJack is a horse who is nonetheless depressed alcoholic who struggles with breaking cycles of his own toxicity - due to the inherent Bathos in that concept. A common example is imagining how it would be like to look at BoJack - a horse with a long face and snoot - right in the eyes while he's talking or putting any of his depressing monologues over videos of real horses (the aformentioned "rehab was supposed to be a fresh start" being a common one).
