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Memes / Astral Cabal

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Various Memes Made During Astral Cabal's Runs:

  • Astral Cadaver: The Mun of Fumio Yasu was speaking of our group to another person when they forgot the correct name of our main blog. They ended up calling it Astral Cadaver, which not only fits in with the nature of the game, but is, in most societies, fucked up and looked down upon. "astralcadaver?— WAIT"
  • Bran Flakes: Admin Roulette once found herself being pinged in the Astral Moon Base & Academia chat by the mention of 'bran flakes'. Unaware of why she had this as a ping, and everybody else confused as fuck, she had began saying 'thanks! thanks for the bran flakes!' in reaction to the event. After spamming it multiple times, it has become a well known meme within the group. Variants of it include 'thanks for the pain flakes!', 'thanks for the bra flakes!', and 'thanks for the Snap Back!' (in reference to "q:-/ (me being dubious with a snap back on)").
  • Nice Save!: A carryover meme from another group many of the players were in, "Nice Save!" is a reference to a game of mafia where absolutely no one was murdered. It was assumed that the doctor was saving everyone, when in fact the mafia was inactive and therefore not playing.
  • Suck me mymy: Despite Mod Gin's typos already being infamous within the skype group, this typo in particular became very notable as it was a complete fuck up of another commonly used phrase 'suck my meme'. Admin Roulette swore to quote the typo every day until game end.
  • 'THEE TINYF UCKIGN DOTS' : For whatever reason, when Mod Gin types several ellipses in succession, skype makes some of them absolutely tiny. Admin Roulette swears it's witchcraft.
  • I cant up: [19:59:43] the timberworlf (Em) ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯: i c ant up))
  • Kinky Minky: We're not sure where Kinky Minky came from. Actually, he came from a joke made by Will (Fumio Yasu's mod): "dmmds revamped chara Kinky Minky", in response to a joke made by a hopeful ("SHSL Pornstar, Spanky Wanky").
  • Sexy Elephant Men's Panty: This beautiful abomination is too lovely for words.
  • me alice: me alice
  • The cursed ghost pendant: With the introduction of the Monomachine in AA, Jaz's first received item was a golden pendant. Due to the game's mechanics, most of the items in the machine belong to a character ingame, so at endgame Jaz's mun asked who that pendant belonged to as it had been annoying her ever since she received it. Not only could any of the mods find absolutely no trace of the item ever existing on a list, Akuma's mun pointed out that after Jaz received that pendant, all of her friends were murdered in a row. It's since become known as a cursed pendant- and no, there's still no idea of who it belongs to.
  • Ehhh, put it on the pizza: During a call on Skype, Mod Roulette challenged some of the players to say 'Ehhh, put it on the pizza'. Mod Roulette filmed the outcome, and posted it on the Astral Cabal blog.
  • LOOK AT THIS CAT: As an image reference for their Astral Black/Blue application, Rosimar's player included an image of a nervous Rosimar holding up a cat while saying 'LOOK AT THIS CAT'. Since then it's been often repeated and spawned several variations, such as 'observe this feline' and an edited paragraph on Schrodinger's cat.
  • Peach rings: The Astral players observed a weird video about peach rings, and then the mods joked that all the Astral Black and Blue kids could eat were peach rings.
