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Heartwarming / The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie

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  • The relationship that George ends up forming with Princess Eloise, going from not being very helpful to pretty much taking her under his wing and trying to be a good friend/father figure to her. This ultimately translates to him becoming a better father to his own children as well.
  • The King thanks the Pirates for looking after his children. George's response, which causes Eloise to smile:
    George: Your kids are really sweet.
  • When George and his friends defeat Robert once and for all and send him back to his time, George's son in the audience exclaims loudly and proudly, "That's my dad!"
  • "Rock Monster", for many reasons. It's an adorable and affectionate bit of Parental Bonus. The entire cast is shown dancing and singing together and just having a good time (even Robert and the cheese curls). Considering that during the movie Alexander was generally unhappy all the time (who could blame him) and Eloise was having to deal with far more than someone her age really should, seeing them able to dance like crazy and just be kids was just sweet. The rock monster family had a rather short scene in the movie and so it was nice to see a song focused entirely around them. And of course, after being absent for the whole movie Bob got to steal the last few seconds of it.
  • One of the DVD menus is just...Bob and Larry, in a treehouse, wearing pirate hats, dancing to an instrumental version of "What We Gonna Do". They just look so happy, Larry in particular.
