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Heartwarming / Survivalist

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  • To complete the 'Memories' Award-ment, you need to complete Annie Dillinger's quest and help put down her infected family members, then gift Auntie Abbie's locket to her. She will be grateful for this, stating that she will treasure the locket forever to honor her aunt's memories. For bonus heartwarming-ness, you can refuse to accept payment for doing the quest.
  • All the dating side-quests between Joe and Alice count as this. They even share a hug at the end of each date!
  • Al Martin expressing concern over Jim Gallager's Sanity Slippage. Despite the two not being related, Al possibly sees Jim as a son due to him knowing Jim's father before he died in the Zombie Apocalypse.
  • At the end of the 'Love' route, the character you've been talking to about Alice's disappearance will insist on accompanying you on your journey to Vancouver if their approval rating is maxed out.
  • You can reunite Isham with his long-lost best friend, Charley Parkhurst, near the end of the story, resulting in this for a brief moment as they embrace each other... Until she tries to chew his face off, at least.
  • You can save Tom Catt's life by risking your neck salvaging Green Strain antigen from an abandoned police car, which is swarming with Red Strain Infected. Butch Billington will be very grateful for this and the pair becomes immediately recruitable.
