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Heartwarming / Dead End: Paranormal Park

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    Season 1 
Night of the Living Kids
  • At the birthday slumber party, Norma finds out that one of the kids is just as obsessed with Pauline Phoenix as she is and actually gets to have a good time chatting with him.
Into the Fire
  • Barney's parents finally apologizing to him for not being more supportive and making it clear they won't try to make him have any more dinners with his grandmother until she learns to accept him too. His mother is also encouraging of his relationship with Logan.
  • Barney, Norma and the others accepting Courtney back into the group after she helped save the day.
  • Temeluchus, thanks to retaining memories of the time Pugsley has spent with Barney and Norma, backing down and letting them and the others go. He also offers to get Courtney immunity so she can go back to the demon plane, which she declines since she wants to stay in the human plane with her new friends.

    Season 2 
Take the Angels Bowling
  • Badyah knows how uncomfortable Norma is with shared clothing, so she brings a pair of specially made bowling shoes for her.
  • Courtney continues showing her character development from the previous season, giving herself up to protect her friends when she thinks Fingers is coming for her.
Evil Twins Are People Too
  • Barney boosting Pugsley's confidence. Pugsley's trying to master angel magic and he and his mentor are under the impression that he can't cast a simple duplication spell, when in reality he's cloned Norma, and Barney and made hundreds of clones of himself, accidentally. The mentor, Fingers keeps telling Pugsley he's a failure, only for Barney to tell the dog that he is more special than his powers and is amazing no matter what.
  • In a roundabout way, Evil Norma does help regular Norma understand her feelings for Badyah.
My Sweet 1600
  • Badyah's attempts at helping Norma, while not great are genuine and she is trying to help her best friend.
All Dolled Up
  • Everything about Norma's coming out to her mom as bisexual, from Logs' helpful advice about coming out to her mother's total support and acceptance of her.
    • It's also impressive that Logs, someone Norma's not particularly close to was so good at giving her the advice she needed.
Going Up
  • A flashback shows Barney being given Pugsley as an early birthday present when he was going through a hard time; it's all but stated that it was after he'd transitioned, so it's clear how important having a loyal friend like Pugsley would be to him in such a difficult time and later when Barney moved out because of the situation with his grandmother.
The Watcher's Test
  • It's horrible what happened to Pugsley, but Barney is taking time to deal with his pain, so that he can healthily process his friend's death.
  • One for the viewers, right before the end credits, we're treated to a POV from eyes opening to a red sky that looks a lot like... The In-Between. (Y'know the place in this show you go to when you're not alive, but not quite dead) and a voice, belonging to *GASP!! Pugsley!* He then comments that "This is weird, I thought this was the end." Maybe it's not after all.

  • However, the creator still not giving up despite the cancellation by Netflix. As he would make the conclusion of the show by a novel in 2024.
