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Funny / The 39 Clues

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WARNING: Spoilers are unmarked.

  • In One False Note Nellie has to distract the cashier at Disco Volante. She scoops a pile of CDs into her arms before running away with the cashier in pursuit.
    Cashier: You are a music lover?
    Nellie: Nooo... (beat) I'm a kleptomaniac''!
  • "Stop the madness! My sister is a love alien!" Oh, Dan...
  • "You don't call a ninja lord dweeb! You have disgraced the family! You must commit seppuku!" (Dan again.)
  • The Black Book of Buried Secrets has some very interesting facts, including:
    • Fiske had gotten an SUV for the kids that Dan has nicknamed "The Madrigalator". However, Amy wishes they had gotten something else because Nellie still Drives Like Crazy and likes to sing to the radio... poorly.
    Dan: (covering his ears) Has Nellie stopped her Lady Gag Me impression?
    • Dan has already gotten in trouble in school. Among other things, he showed off one of the replica swords he got in music class.
    • Dan has been bugging William for another Visa Gold card.
    • Regean has been taking ballet classes, and the Holt family is busy trying to teach their dog the differences between real swans and girls in tutus.
    • The Olympics are actually a cover for the Tomas to hunt for Clues, and with the hunt over, they're planning to hold them in neglected places like Cleveland.
  • Isabel in The Medusa Plot. It sounds like she's saying "I know I tried to kill you, your sister and the rest of the family, but would it hurt to call sometimes?"
    Well, look who finally remembered he has a mother!
  • The Sword Thief:
    Amy: I love you, Dan, you're a genius!
    Dan: (glares) Did Ian drug you?
  • In Mission Hurricane, Hamilton Holt leaks a video clip of Jonah Wizard reciting William Shakespeare in the mirror while practicing his duck face, much to the latter's dismay. It soon goes viral on the internet, appearing in memes and being spoofed by stars and wannabe stars alike.
    What were you doing making those ridiculous faces? Practicing for selfies?
    • One meme is a mashup of said video with Jonah's 'Mime moves' in Greece, aptly titled Jonah Wizard's Massive Mime Mirror Meltdown.
  • The reading of Aunt Beatrice's will is more-or-less a series of riffs directed at everybody present, from the Cahill siblings to Beatrice's next-door neighbor and even her hairdresser. The man tasked with reading her will was well aware that those in attendance may find the contents upsetting and gave them sympathetic glances whenever their names were mentioned.
    Item One: I bequeath to my neighbor Sophia Fairchild... (beat) absolutely nothing. You weren't expecting that, were you, my dear? Oh, how I wish I could be there myself to witness that plastic smile of yours being wiped clean from your face. (...) As for your husband, he could certainly use a new fedora or a good herringbone cap to cover up that monstrosity of a hair transplant, but I will not be the one paying for it, if that's what you think.
    Item Two: Beth Moorgate, you are a hopelessly unfashionable woman with no scissors skills whatsoever. Whatever possessed you to entertain the thought of beauty school in the first place, I cannot imagine. Ms. Moorgate, to grant you any inheritance would be ludicrous. If anything, you should be paying back my estate the money I spent on that dreadful perm.
    • Item Three was a general denouncement of anyone who shopped at the corner store on Washington and Third Street. The owner accused Beatrice of shoplifting when the latter accidentally dropped her handbag and dozen of ceramic cats came spilling out.
    • Beatrice's final request: her estate and belongings are to be used as funding for the Ceramic Cats Are People Too Foundation, and for a museum to be erected in her honor.
