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Funny / Sea of Stars

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  • The first time a giant is activated. Elder Mist tells the Solstice Warriors to speak the giant X’Tol’s name and they will be transported to Sleeper Island. Garl repeats the name and the giant activates. And how does it transport them? By throwing them inside a windowed ball like it’s chucking a baseball.
  • Almost every word out of Yolande Fortwal's mouth, but the crowner has to be her telling a campfire story of the time she and the crew fought a final boss.
    Yolande: Then he said "behold the pain of eternal sin" and turned into a One-Winged Angel blowing on an apple.
  • The Humble Boast tavern in Brisk. All the patrons are important, successful, and well-traveled, and very keen on telling you all these things obliquely.
  • Lucent is a whole village of Nightmare Retardant. It's scary that the people are randomly taken by the Dweller of Woe and never seen again. It's hilarious to see the remaining villagers go to great lengths to pretend nothing bad is happening at all.
    Edgar, right after a villager is kidnapped: Remember ten seconds ago, when ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happened?
    • Underneath Lucent is a massive game show with a ghost... pottery... thing as the host. It comes absolutely out of nowhere, and Valere is just left to compete in the show for fabulous prizes. The best part? Like any other game show, Valere can do a call in, asking Teaks for help with any two questions.
  • The boss battle with Romaya ends with her conceding defeat and calling her minions off as she's not interested in dying over a rock. She's also not interested in further conversation as evidenced by the post-battle dialogue, made all the more exasperating (to her) and funny (to the player) by the fact that the party asks her for their ticket out of her manor and she, while enraged, acquiesces due to lack of options. Then she issues a parting threat and Zale fails magnificently to read the room:
    Romaya: Count your blessings. If we meet again, it won't be a simple three-versus-one.
    Zale: It wasn't three-versus-one, you summoned-
    Romaya: LEAVE!!!
  • Though it's a sombre moment, the Dweller of Strife destroying Brisk is somewhat undercut by Keenathan deciding then and there to get The Vespertine so they can relocate the citizens of Brisk. When Yolande informs Keenathan that they can't just take the ship without Captain Klee'shaë's say-so, Seraï casually trudges off-screen, the sound effect for her portals play, and then Captain Klee'shaë appears on the other end 'just in time' to inform Yolande that Keenathan gets the go-ahead. The fact the game throws all pretense out the window is frankly hilarious, as is the idea Seraï can literally change into her pirate outfit in less than a second if necessary. Even better - last time the pirates and the party checked, Captain Klee'shaë was on Wraith Island, which was at least a day's travel from Brisk. No one bothers to question how Captain Klee'shaë got to Brisk without a ship just in time to vouch for Keenathan beyond Jacko remarking she showed up.
    • Even better, Captain Klee'shaë quickly unveils her true self to the party at the peninsula just as her crew leaves. What Seraï somehow doesn't expect is that Everybody Knew Already. Garl even cuts to the chase and informs her that, yes, he knows she's already used the Coin of Undeath Accord and they'll have to take The Vespertine the hard way. What really sells it is Valere sheepishly informing Seraï that the party already knew and Seraï's shocked face that follows - as if she didn't realize how obvious she was being.
  • It's otherwise a chilling recounting of Erlina and Brugaves' Start of Darkness, but the flashback you see of the duo learning under Moraine has a funny moment where the duo try to leave Zenith Academy to survive on their own. Erlina starts talking about how she'll always protect Brugaves... and then the music cuts out and there's a Smash Cut to presumably an hour or two later, where they, being children, decide they're hungry, weak, and helpless, and give up to go back.
  • Garl's justification for why baking an enormous loaf of bread will safely wake the Sleeper.
    Garl: Nobody can be grumpy when they wake up to the smell of freshly baked bread!
    Cloud Giant Council Member: We can find no counterargument.
  • Romaya the Necromancer's only emotion being spluttering rage, especially when B'st calls her on it.
  • The hallucinations the Soul Curator puts Valere or Zale through are honestly rather hilarious. It's clear to the player there is something going on immediately, with how 'Resh'an' beams at them with a goofy-as-sin grin, and it only gets more exaggerated and silly from there. Valere or Zale is bullied into being a waitress/waiter at the Humble Boast, takes a job arranging pottery, and then wins a fishing tournament! Though some of the cuts back to the Fleshmancer's Lair are somewhat spooky, the silly activities the player does serve as hilarious Nightmare Retardant.
  • During the Golden Pelican segment just before the true end of the game, Valere, Zale, and Garl call in their closest friends to dress up for a wonderful dinner party to celebrate Garl's resurrection. While most of the twelve attendees look some manner of dashing or glamorous, some... stand out;
    • Malkomud accuses Zale of looking like a cowboy, and he's absolutely correct, since Zale decides to use his special garment as a neckerchief and committed to baggy pants and a vest over a dress shirt.
    • The empty simulacrum of Resh'an wears a very high popped collar. The fact the simulacrum was invited stands out as both hilarious and heartwarming, since it shows how much the heroes care about him.
    • Teaks decided to wear a very dapper two-button suit. The only problem is she ends up looking cute because the suit looks a bit too big on her.
    • B'st wears what can only be described as a 'Chippendale outfit,' since he only has a vest that barely wraps around his glass body's arms. The way he wears a bow tie makes it look like a hair bow, and he has a top hat of all things on top!
    • Keenathan looks like a fancy pirate (which, to be fair, he is), but what takes the cake is that his flying squid companion also got dressed for the occasion, complete with a tiny bowler hat.
    • Malkomud is a walking fashion faux pas that nonetheless manages to work, wearing a detective trench coat with a newsie boy cap.
    • Moraine still refuses to wear sleeves after giving up his title of headmaster, making him look inadvertently like he's trying to be 'cool' and punk.
    • Valere would look downright gorgeous in her specially-crafted dress if she didn't stand out like a sore thumb - she's wearing blindingly white clothing that clashes with the blacks, greys, and browns everyone else committed to.
