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Funny / Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang

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  • Celia and Megsie have to work together to prevent Isabel from signing the farm over to the uncle without letting on that the Disappeared Dad may be alive before proof is in hand. It's not the Bavarian Fire Drill that follows (with Celia going Eek, a Mouse!! like crazy), it's Celia trying to instruct the Megsie's next move while still screaming.
    • Isabel eventually gets her to stop by yelling over her.
      Isabel: IT'S BEEN HALF - (Celia stops screaming) - an hour.
  • When Uncle Phil sees the evil women he made a bet with coming, he begs the police officer to arrest him.
    Uncle Phil: (through the megaphone) "ARREST ME NOW!! I REPEAT, ARREST ME NOW!"
    Cop: "Arrest you for what?! What's the crime? There's got to be a crime!"
    Norman: "Try forgery."
    (reveal that he forged the telegram)
    Uncle Phil: "There. There's your crime. I'm a villainous forger. Now would you arrest me!?"
    • When the bomb falls, he thinks it's a sign that he's going to die. Up until this point he's become increasingly tense, knowing his deadline is coming up unless Isabel signs the farm over, but the bomb falling on top of everything seems to send him over the edge.
  • Cyril, when he first arrives, keeps joking about how the farm is full of poo:
    • It starts when Celia asks where they are:
      Cyril: "We're in the Land of Poo. Poo as far as the eye can see. Duck poo, hen poo, cow poo, goat poo. In fact, it's the British Museum of Poo."
    • He greets his cousins with "Greetings, o covered-in-poo people. Do you speak English?". Norman deadpanly tells him that he's early, and he responds calling him "Poo Man" and saying that they come from the Land of Soap and Indoor Toilets.
    • When Celia laments, "I'm covered in poo!", Cyril responds, "Good news, you'll fit right in!".
  • Celia desesperately clinging to her car and later their chauffeur's leg while begging him to not leave her and Cyril in the poo covered farm.
  • When it's revealed that the two oldest Green children will have to share beds with their same-sex cousins, they claim they'd rather share with animals. Vincent, despite not needing to share, says that he'd rather share with an elephant. Nanny McPhee makes it so that all the kids do share with animals. Also, when the girls are sharing with Geraldine the cow, one of them says, "You're not cooperating! Cooperate!".
  • The "the person you need is Nanny McPhee" line is said over and over again by the items in the shop.
  • Before Nanny McPhee arrives, we get a Bait-and-Switch where it looks like she's arrived but instead, it's Uncle Phil. This is followed by Isabelle Green telling "Phil" to go away when someone (Nanny McPhee) knocks again, before opening the door.
    • It's then followed by Isabel trying to save face when the children are fighting in front of Nanny McPhee (and it's a full-blown fight, complete with beatings and Vincent declaring, "Kill the townies and eat their heads!"). She points out that Cyril isn't hers, then when she has to admit that Norman is hers, then tries to pretend the kids are just playing to break the ice, rationalising that the war is a bad influence.
  • The talking, burping jackdaw. And eventually, he saves the day (albeit unintentionally) by eating the explosive putty, blowing up like a balloon, and burping with such great force that he harvests the crops and blows Topsy and Turvy away.
  • Nanny McPhee making the pigs do synchronised swimming and climb trees.
  • While in London, Nanny McPhee meets a sergeant who she used to babysit. She asks if he's eaten his greens and he shyly admits to not liking broccoli. She suggests trying it with cheese or eating asparagus instead.
  • Mrs Docherty not helping Isabel's stress levels by "putting away the treacle." (She puts it in the drawers).
    Isabel: Children at each other's throats, tractor about to be repossessed, Phil trying to sell the farm out from under us, guests coming in twenty-four hours, my only good coat ruined and SEVENTEEN DRAWERS FULL OF TREACLE!
  • Any time Mrs. Docherty appears on screen, really:
    • Mrs. Docherty sitting in an enormous pile of flour, after mentioning that she was "putting it away", and asking Isabel to pass her the scoop.
    • Her insisting on sitting on a cow-pat, after being informed by Mr. Docherty that it was not in fact a cushion, but indeed a cowpat.
      Mrs. Docherty: Can I sit on it anyway? It looks so comfortable.
    • Her attempting to rouse Mr. Docherty when the bomb is about to explode.
      Mrs. Docherty [into megaphone]: Algernon, wake up, dear. I don't want you to miss the bomb going off.
