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Funny / Marple

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  • The Brick Joke from The Murder at the Vicarage has Inspector Slack inquiring about Miss Marple's hearing, to which she replies that it's 'excellent'! After the inquest a week or so later, Miss Marple is hobbling away (she's walking with a cane due to a sprained ankle) and Inspector Slack mutters to his constable that (thanks to her being the Little Old Lady Investigates) he doesn't know whether to give Miss Marple a box of chocolates or kick away her walking stick. From across the parking lot, Miss Marple calls over her shoulder, 'I'd prefer the chocolates.'
  • This exchange from the beginning of A Murder Is Announced between Miss Marple and Rudi Scherz, a Swiss employee at her hotel where she has just had a spa treatment session:
    Rudi Scherz: Do you feel, erm... remunerated?
    Miss Marple: Not in the slightest. But I do feel rejuvenated.
  • The bumbling Doctor Calgary in Ordeal by Innocence is first seen giving a lecture on foxes, complete with clips from a slide-projector. Unbeknownst to him, a picture of one of his female colleagues gets mixed in with the slides. His audience is in stitches as the picture comes up and he inadvertently describes her as a 'European fox who is very furry and has a short muzzle and thick ears'.
