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Funny / Man of Medan

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  • Conrad and Brad's first meeting qualifies as this, also Conrad calling him something like "Ray Bradlebury".
  • When Fliss first arrives on the scene and starts up the Duke of Milan, Conrad gives us this little gem:
    Conrad: "If you're selling, I'm buying."
  • Conrad can be supportive to Fliss resulting in this:
    Conrad: Guys, look, I think we gotta listen to our experienced, beautiful, smart, and...beautiful captain here.
    Julia: Connie, please, I didn't bring you on this trip to get laid.
    • Depending on your choices, Julia and Brad may later on find Conrad and Fliss making out.
    • Even funnier in the Curator's Cut where if Brad chooses to be polite when he catches them making out they just keep kissing after he says, "ahem" the first time.
  • During Brad's "scary" story, after Conrad says something snarky, Julia has the choice to shush him briefly.
  • While they're being held hostage on the Duke of Milan, Conrad mentions the good news and the bad news:
    Conrad: The bad news is these are kinda... maybe the fishermen I pissed off earlier.
    Julia: Oh, goddammit Conrad!
    Alex: Great, just great. and what's the good news?
    Conrad: Uh, I recognize them.
    Julia: How is that "good news"?
    Conrad: I thought you were gonna ask the good news first!
    Julia: You're such an idiot! Jesus!
    • There's also a part where Alex can be sarcastic with Conrad resulting in this:
      Alex: Were you being polite to our unexpected guests?
      Conrad: Yeah, we had biscuits and tea.
  • If he's still with the group Conrad's distraction is pretty funny:
    • If Brad's there as well, he will add a bit to the distraction, which makes it even more hilarious.
      Conrad: Hey! Yeah, you! Long John Silver and shit! What are you guys doing out there! Pieces of eight and shiver me timbers you one legged fuck face
      Brad: Yeah, you smarmy varmints!
      Conrad: Yeah, I'm gonna rip your pirate parrots off your shoulders and stomp' em into rainbow colored stew! I'm warning you. I'm an American citizen. You really want my president coming after you guys?
      Brad: Yeah, yeah, fuck you!
      Conrad: Cause he will! Each and every one of you. Personally! Hey! Can, you, hear, me? I'm talking to you. Hello?
  • Julia's reaction to the shark.
    Julia: Now there's a shark? Come at me shark!
    • Beforehand, if Julia decides to investigate what's in the pipe, she has some interesting dialogue towards Alex:
      Julia: Don't be such a gonad. I'll be fine.
      Alex: Gonad? Am I dead? What is happening?
      Julia: Live a little, edgelord.
