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Funny / Little Cherry

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Season One

  • Episode 1: Little Cherry accidentally bringing a bag of trash instead of her lunch, and her face showing disappointment in spite of her friends revealing they have extra food.
    • When Xiaoxue gets afraid of encountering cobras, Little Cherry suggests breaking their glasses so they won't see her.
    • Also, when the kids pull junk out of the river while finding Little Cherry's key, a TV crew arrives to congratulate them on their cleanup while irritating them.
  • Episode 3: Little Cherry rejects approaches from merchants by openly disclosing her mother's frugalness and unemployment. Among other provocations said by the protagonist, her mother finally regrets bringing her to shopping and caves into her shopping demands.
    • In the ending, Little Cherry and her mother bring their products home without buying them (because their wallet is missing), as a clerk went along with them expecting payment at their home, to the father's surprise.
  • Episode 7: Upon deciding to stay at an expensive hotel room with the view of a waterfall, Little Cherry's mother finds it best to stay in the room all day as it would be wasteful to leave it empty half the day. Her daughter isn't pleased to not venture out.
  • Episode 9: Little Cherry earns her parents' OK to cook dinner for her mother, albeit solo in the kitchen. Following a musical montage, her parents smell smoke coming from the kitchen, and to their horror they see their daughter trying to cook old-fashioned with a pot like Robinson Crusoe.
  • Episode 10: A suddenly worried Little Cherry lists out silly things to the teacher that could disrupt her stage show, particularly an alien invasion, zombies (Resident Evil namedropped!), or a tsunami.
    • While opening her dance act, she could not pronounce the "馨" (xin) attached to her dance instructor's name, and she remembers her teacher's advice to feel like being at home when things go awry. She then tells the audience that she feels at home, and that they have guessed this word. A really embarrassing opening for Little Cherry and her friends.
    • Lazy's pants rips during the performance. He requests Tie Nan Hua to protect him during the dance. However, the latter dislikes the idea, believing it's weird for a girl to protect a boy.
  • Episode 11: Little Cherry, who seeks money for her friend Erdou's birthday gift, blackmails her father into buying a piece of her calligraphy disclosing the location of his money. She would sell it to her mother if he doesn't do it.
  • Episode 12: The kids locate Ah Lun in a hotel to make up for Lazy's terrible photo of him and Little Cherry at the concert. But once they glance at him, they discover his lifestyle to be subpar as he eats cupped noodles, shows low hygiene, and takes care of an infant nephew. He is not the dream king they had fantasized and thus they do not contact him again.
  • Episode 14: In this inflation-starred episode, Little Cherry saves a large portion of her family's expensive abalone dish and asks her parents to convert it to cash.
    • When tasked by her mother to buy shiitake mushrooms with five yuan, she chooses to buy potatoes because they are cheaper and leave plenty of leftover money. When asked by her mother why, she said she learned to shop affordable products from her, making the latter regret having such a daughter.
    • She forgets her to record her purchase log required by her mother over the past few days, so she gets permission from classmate Pi Da Gua to copy his. Unfortunately, when her mother inspects the log, she discovers a jelly purchase made in behalf of Little Cherry's "brother" and gets extremely upset. Her father even wonders if he's the "brother".
  • Episode 17: Class Representative Wang Shuai wants his classroom to be clean to the standard of a five-star hotel, so it can feel like home to the students and faculty. It backfires when the students joke about adding amenities like a kitchen or bathtub, and as Little Cherry starts sleeping in class.
    • Noticing how no student has made feedback for improving the class, Wang asks them to listen to the class next door for inspiration. They could hear a variety show rehearsal.
    • During the cleanup after class, Literal-Minded Cherry breaks down Wang when she weaponizes his five-star hotel analogy by arguing for a vacuum cleaner instead of his wiping method.
    • In the ending, Cherry gives Wang his deserved credit for his role in the cleanup. Immediately, the classmates approach him and request his help when it's their turn to be the class monitor. Wang worries they'll need his help on cleaning too, shifting from a joyous to a pessimistic outlook.
  • Episode 19: Following some haggling and finding insufficient money to buy the baby jellyfish, Cherry asks for money from the merchant, who obviously won't assist her.
  • Episode 20: Cherry, who has been bothered by her mother peeking at her Secret Diary school assignment, decides to conceal it by leaving it in the trash bin and becoming responsible for hauling away the household garbage, while hopefully earning more allowance. One day, she becomes sick and remains in bed. Her dad takes the duty, discovers the diary in the bin, and reads his daughter's complete scheme along with her mother, who is once again dismayed with Cherry.
  • Episode 22: Wang Shuai inspects Cherry's class notes and isn't amused with finding an advertising slogan for Xiaonan's shop. Cherry added it because she owed Xiaonan money.
  • Episode 26: The episode ends with Cherry and her mother in a blanket tug-of-war. Cherry wishes to stay in bed longer due to previously sacrificing sleep for extra study time. She recently changed her motto to go her own path and thinks it suits her better.

Season Two

  • Episode 6: In Cherry's very own beach dream, a Prince Charming and his horse arrives looking for a princess he wants to wake by kissing. However, once he finds Cherry to be the only girl there, he panics, calls Cherry a little brat, and escapes carrying his horse.
  • Episode 13: Xiaoli whispers to Lazy that the lamp needs to be plugged into the nostrils of smart people. He plugs it into his nostrils and unintentionally impedes the lamp's setup, while Xiaoli laughs from a distance.
  • Episode 14: Cherry, Lazy, and Tie Nan Hua trade their "antiques" for a shop credit from Xiaonan. The latter, who expects the items to be genuine artifacts like his ancient Chinese knife money, learns after the trade that they're bottles of vinegar, a broken radio, a bag of soil, a box of cockroaches, and an elderly lollipop vendor who expects to live with him.
