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Funny / How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

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  • After their first date, Andie and Ben respectively tempt fate.
    Ben: (To himself, whilst waving to her) Ooh, you are falling in love with me already.
    Andie: (To herself, whilst waving back) I'm gonna make you wish you were dead.
  • King Krull, the Chinese-crested.
  • Andie and her co-workers making fun of how their boss has a bad habit of popping in on them during lunch.
  • When Andie claims she's vegetarian just as Ben presents her with a lamb roast he cooked himself. She even starts woefully singing "Mary had a Little Lamb" and gagging.
  • Later, at a strictly vegan restaurant, while Andie is away, Ben gargles water to get rid of the bland taste, whilst he covers his meal in salt for flavor.
  • Andie's album of hers and Ben's photo-shopped "memories". One of the photo-shopped faces is a little boy grinning his gap-toothed smile as wide as he can.
    Ben: Our kids are really... attractive.
  • According to his mother, Ben wore diapers until he was five years old. He nearly chokes on his drink when Andie brings this up.
  • Ben discovering that Andie has filled his bathroom cabinet with her stuff. Naturally, he doesn't take it well.
    Ben: (disgusted) Aw, no, no, nooo!
  • Andie disrupting Ben's Poker game with his friends.
  • The part where Michelle must pretend to be a couple's counselor. What makes this comical is that the roles are switched: Andie has to play the overemotional girl while her friend plays the sane one. It's In-Universe Playing Against Type.
  • After learning the truth, Ben and Andie have an argument in the form of a duet singing "You're So Vain". Rather badly.
  • Andie storms out of the party still wearing the priceless necklace she was loaned for the evening. As she and Ben are yelling at each other a security guard runs up to them and forces himself to interrupt.
    Security Guard: Please, just give me the necklace. Then you can go on a kill each other.
